Saturday, November 17, 2007

Kim Cattrall and Simon Cowell Use Botox, But No Plastic Surgery

Sex and the City (and Mannequin 1) Actress Kim Cattrall and American Idol judge Simon Cowell have both copped to using Botox as a way to stave off father time. According to, Ms. Cattrall stated,
“I’m too terrified to get any proper work so I’ve had just little things done. I have a big crease between my eyebrows and I use Botox to get rid of that, but that’s kind of it.”

Simon Cowell stated something very similar recently, according to
What about plastic surgery? Has Cowell gone under the knife?
"No, absolutely not. I have not had cosmetic surgery," he sniggers. "Yes, I've had Botox, but not in an obsessive way. Then again, every guy I know who works in the City has had it now."

In the photos above, you can see an absence of frown lines between the eyebrows and in the foreheads of both celebrities. Their plastic surgeons have done nice jobs. In other news, Nicole Kidman has finally admitted to having Botox too........just kidding.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.

Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Hi I love your blog, I read it every day when I get on the computer. What is the difference of Botox, Juvederm, Collagen, and Restalyne? Thanks

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    You can use petroleum jelly to loose your belly! A new study has found a unique way to curb your appetite. Most of you may know petroleum jelly as Vaseline. The study found that by applying the jelly to your nose at night time the proteins and minerals in the jelly will actually work with your body create an energizing effect leaving you less hungry and more active!

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  3. Anonymous11:02 AM

    petroleum jelly makes you lose weight? oh, wow! in other news, monkeys fly out of my butt!

  4. Anon-
    Botox weakens or paralyzes muscles which can create certain wrinkles of the face. The other ones you mentioned are fillers, which function to fill in wrinkles or the lips.

  5. Anonymous12:25 PM

