Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mommy Makeover Video with Dr. Youn

The local Fox affiliate here aired a nice segment last night on a Mommy Makeover which I performed on a patient of mine a couple weeks ago. If you'd like to view it, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Great news segment. I really enjoyed watching it and reading your blog every week.

  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    To think I've been reading you for months and didn't even realize what a total cutie you are.


  3. uhhhh... thanks? 'blush'

  4. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Yeah, Dr Youn is a hottie. I wish he was in San Diego!

  5. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Dr. Youn, what a beautiful makeover! Out of curiosity, is there anything that can be done for pregnancy-related stretch marks on a thin postpartum belly? Several doctors have said unfortunately nothing can be done for this situation and that these marks are a sort of motherhood badge of honor. What do Hollywood stars do to prevent or treat belly stretch marks? Thanks.

  6. There really isn't a great treatment for stretch marks, with the exception of cutting them out which creates a scar. Nothing else has been worth the money from what I've seen, unfortunately.

  7. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Great piece. I've followed your blog for a couple of years now (I live in Australia), and I appreciate your professionalism, dedication to telling it like it is as well as your obvious skills as a surgeon. Congratulations.
    Thank you for keeping all of your readers informed on procedures, new techniques and, of course, the vicarious thrills of seeing celebrities and the work they have done.

  8. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Hey that was interesting! I like your blog, it's not trashy...

  9. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I enjoyed watching too. "Dr Youn is a hottie"-I agree 'coz he looks like me.

    Alexis Scott

  10. Anonymous2:08 AM

    That was great. I enjoyed watching it. I learned a lot here.

    Lujille Kim

  11. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I was really interested in watching this since your doing my upcoming tummy tuck but it wont play :(
