Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Scar Wars - My Collaboration with RADAR Magazine

This month's RADAR magazine and its online site have an article which I collaborated on, entitled "Scar Wars." They gave me photos of certain celebrities and asked me to alter their 'signature' features to look as if they've been over-operated on. Click this link to check it out. (Yes, the 'afters' are supposed to look overdone!)
Thanks to Editor-at-large Dale Hrabi for asking me to take part in this project.


  1. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Is it me, or does the "after" of Meryl Streep look like Faye Dunaway?

  2. Anonymous4:02 AM

    You're license should be revoked if this is the work that you'd actually do on someone I'd sue the shit out of you.

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    2nd anon- read the caption paragraph. They are supposed to look overdone ...

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I thought this was interesting to see, and hopefully the stars chosen are comfortable enough with their image to appreciate it for what it was - entertainment.

    Since it was overdone, I don't think any of them looked better.

    I've been coming to your site for about 2 months now and have to admit - I'm surprised you would do a piece like this. It seems mean spirited to alter someone's image like that in such a public way without their permission or even their interest. Although, I do think that the photos seem less harmful than the captions, "a nose only a mother could love"? Public ridicule is never good, even if it does run rampant these days.

    Still a fan of your work, blog and *usually* your approach! ~ Mia

  5. Anonymous9:48 AM

    i'm not sure that i agree that this was mean-spirited. i think if anything, it clearly shows that these celebrities look much better as-is, and i think the only people who might be offended would be stars who ARE overly "done."

    to the 2nd anonymous commenter: careful reading never hurt anyone, but hasty decision-making sure has.

  6. Wow, I would think that people would actually read something before getting all upset and leaving an anonymous comment. Of course the photos are overdone and ALL the celebrities look bad afterwards. The point of the article was to show that people don't need plastic surgery to be successful or look good. All of the celebrities look worse after the alterations, and the reasoning behind this article is that they should not consider messing with their looks. We all have certain features which make us look like who we are, and these features should not necessarily be changed just because they may not be considered classically attractive. Finally, I did not write the captions in the article, only a few of the comments attributed to me. It was done in a light-hearted manner and I'm sure the writers did not mean to hurt any of the stars' feelings!

  7. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I apologize. I never meant to imply that I thought you had written the captions. I simply think that the captions have a huge impact on how the photos are perceived *and* received. Sorry to be so nit-picky. Maybe it's because I am so sensitive about my own not-so-small nose!

  8. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I LOVE PHOTOSHOP!! These pictures are a great example of why plastic surgery is not for everyone. I do think that in addition to these over done photos there should be realistic looking ones that show what a good job would look like too.

    For the person who said they would sue if their results looked like this:
    He never did any surgery so your threat makes you look stupid. They are photoshopped pictures to show how surgeons can go over board and leave people looking strange and if you have such a big of a problem with these results then I wouldn’t recommend you ever having any plastic surgery because results are not guaranteed and mistakes or over done results do happen, so you should not take that chance and keep your lawsuits to yourself.

  9. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Adrian Brody's considerable nose is the reason why he is so attractive and sexy. I hope he never changes it. Ditto Owen Wilson.

  10. Anonymous11:09 PM

    I think Clinton should take the advice and go the lower bleph and nose job. He looks much more handsome in the after pic.

  11. I think Zach Braff and Adrien Brody look better after

  12. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Adrian Brody looks like he got the "Larry Birkhead". Ha! Now there's an overdone nose job...
