Thursday, December 20, 2007

Joan Van Ark - Plastic Surgery?

I've had some readers ask me what is going on with Joan Van Ark's face. Hmm...maybe some plastic surgery?

She's such a pretty woman so it's a shame she may have altered her looks considerably with plastic surgery. In my opinion, she appears to have had a browlift and upper blepharoplasty, creating the 'hollowed out' appearance to her upper eyes. Her nose looks thinner and shorter, possibly from a rhinoplasty. Her lips also appear augmented, likely from Restylane. In addition, her neckline is almost impossibly sharp for a 64 year old, and can be the result of a facelift. Her cheeks are somewhat puffy, possibly due to facial fat grafting. Finally, her skin has a smooth, waxy sheen. This can be caused by a combination of Botox (forehead), Juvederm (frown lines) and chemical peels or laser treatments.
While I think that some of these (possible) procedures work for her (facelift, injectable fillers), others have not improved her appearance at all (rhinoplasty, lip augmentation). Maybe she should take some advice from her contemporary Joan Collins and not have any plastic surgery at all! (see link)

Photo credit: (after)

Thanks for reading.

Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


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  2. Anonymous12:01 PM

    What's up with the area around her mouth? TMZ speculated that it might have been a chemical peel that had not healed yet, could that be the case? It looks painful.

  3. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Is there any way to have an upper blepharoplasty *without* that "hollowed out" look?

    It just seems to so often be one of the tell tale signs that women in particular have had it done; their upper lids may no longer be hanging down to their lash line, but they have that "skull" look where all you notice is the eye socket, not how attractive their eyes might be.

  4. Anonymous3:13 AM

    I've had an upper blepharoplasty and I had such an obvious amount of pouching fat above my eyes that its removal has not created a hollowed out look but just made them look normal (and pretty again). My summation therefore is you get the hollowed out look when you really don't have much to remove except excess skin.

    This theory is in line with the notion that she's just had way too much 'unnecessary' work done. Its a fine line between improving your appearance and trying to emulate a supermodel. I think the key is to enhance your natural self. I love that Dr Youn said her rhinoplasty was unnecessary, it proves to me that he's not an advocate of surgery for surgery's sake.

    Someone on another blog mentioned colloidal silver possibly being resoponsible for the sking discolouration. Or maybe she had a peel and has corrective foundation on so the colour looks off.


  5. Stop saying those falses thing about Joan VanArk! How can an expert say she has palstic surgery, when it's obvious her face structure haven't change at all!
    The result of the bad recent picture is just an horrible make-up! I know that make-up can do the best and the worst on a face! But Joan has exactly the same nose & lips now has 20 years before, look at all this celebrity with huge lips Joan is not like that. I'll probably say to that we're so unfair to celebrity that we forget that when we get older our face is often less pretty: same thing for Joan, same thing for everybody!

  6. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I always thought Joan was the most beautiful one on "Knots Landing", even more beautiful than Donna Mills. She had a role on "The Young and the Restless" about five years ago and she was still very beautiful then, even though she was somewhere around 60 at the time, so the plastic surgery was really not necessary. It's a shame.
