Monday, December 03, 2007

Kylie Minogue - Botox? Maybe not...

Is Kylie Minogue on Botox? The second photo is from, and shows what most people would think is a classic Botox brow. The first photo, however, shows a somewhat similar arched brow from her Locomotion record back in the 80's, before Botox.
So what's going on?
While I agree that the second photo may show an eyebrow with a classic Botox arch, I do find that people's facial asymmetries often exaggerate with age, and a slightly arched eyebrow may become more and more arched as a person ages. We may see this with Duane Johnson, aka the Rock, as he ages.
So does Kylie use Botox? Maybe...not.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Of course she uses Botox! She's obviously uses fillers in her lips so why stop there?

  2. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Dr. Youn, I find your blog very interesting and have learned many things from your posts!

    I've never had plastic surgery before, but am thinking about rhinoplasty to fix a broken nose. Is there a surgeon you would recommend in the Dallas-Fort Worth area?

  3. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Maybe it's just definition with her eyebrow pencil? I didn't use eyebrow pencil in the 80's but started in the 90's when it became more popular. I think she's tweezed her eyebrows into a more sharper arch and exaggerated it with the pencil. I think she looks pretty good actually!

  4. I do not personally know any plastic surgeons in Texas, but some famous rhinoplasty surgeons there include Jack Gunter, Rod Rohrich, and John Tebbetts. Good luck!

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  6. Anonymous2:14 PM

    her face have started to look a little waxy some time ago.
    I thinh she definitely did something with her face, maybe botox?

  7. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Of course she's had botox and probably more! What woman of nearly 40 years of age has no wrinkling around the eyes when she smiles and an overly arched brow (much higher than when she was younger - look like a browlift to me) like that without assistance?????

  8. There are some pictures of Kylie at

    It clearly looks like she is using botox.

  9. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Oh yeah! you know her personally, or you're an doctor who can recognize somebody with botux. Oh! please, if she ever been on any kind of plastic surgery she will tell us !

  10. Anonymous9:02 AM

    i say she's not on botox cause i have carefully watched her in interviews and she can move her brows freely... if they had botox around, she would be inexpresive. Fillers... she has to have them, because she looks divine for her age... PLease recomend surgeons here in Dubai! please! I want to have the fat drafting done along forehead and temple(hollowness)and on the cheekBone to resemble a more boney face like giselle bundchen's ...oh my, she is so gorgeous... i have posted a vid on youtube (my name there is CoperniciaTalent) and metacafe... (there I am copernicia) Your blog is fantastic Dr Tony!
