Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dr. Jan Adams on Larry King Live

Dr. Jan Adams, the plastic surgeon involved with the Donda West tragedy, spoke out on Larry King Live last night. Here is a link to the video on
Click here.

It is definitely interesting to hear his side of the story. Very appropriately, he did not comment specifically about Donda West, as her medical information is private patient-doctor privilege and should not be revealed on nationwide TV. I have no comment on his DUI convictions, but did find his take on Board-certification interesting. He did complete residency training in plastic surgery with a fellowship in aesthetic plastic surgery (like myself) but for some reason did not get board-certified. Some surgeons don't. This still places him in a much higher place than many other doctors performing plastic surgery such as OB-Gyns and ER docs.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    sounds like the issue isnt his competency at performing plastic surgery, but his decision to perform it on an unhealthy woman. apparantly she had gone to at least one other plastic surgeon who decided she was not healthy enough for elective surgery?

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Agree with anonymous. My primary care physician has to sign me off before I have liposuction on my thighs AFTER she changes my medication to one that won't interfere with blood clotting. I'm in my early 20s. With the exception of one chronic health condition that has been under control for years now with medication, I'm in excellent health. I can't imagine that these steps would be bypassed for an overweight woman in her late 50s getting far longer, more complicated procedures.
