Saturday, March 08, 2008

Kelly Rowland - Breast Implants

Destiny's Child singer Kelly Rowland has admitted to having a breast augmentation, boosting her bust from an A cup to a very tasteful B cup:

"I was sick of not fitting into my tops," she revealed in an interview. "There was this one really hot House of Dereon top — I just wanted to fill that out!"

She looks great. The breasts fit her tiny frame well. Breast augmentation is the most common surgery that I do, with the most popular size jump from an A to a C. Next most common is B --> C, followed by A --> B, then B/C --> D.

I wonder if the glamorous Beyonce will come out of the plastic surgery closet next?

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Thanks for reading.

Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. What kind of work do you think Beyonce had? I think Kelly looks beautiful in these pictures. She definitely also has one set of terrific legs!

  2. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I think the work looks good. The proportions suit her frame.

  3. Anonymous3:13 AM

    I agree about proportion; it doesn't matter your size, thick or thin, just as long as you are proportion. That's why I don't understand thin-frames that go from an A cup to a DD cup and their backside is still small. It makes no sense and it seems to happen more and more nowadays with our young females.

  4. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I just stumbled across this blog and think it is terrific.

    I think Kelly Rowland looks terrific, too.

    I'm probably even more flat chested than Kelly was "before". The older I get, the less appealing breast augmentation gets, but I just might have it done if I could be confident that it would turn out like hers. I'm finally comfortable in my own skin (most of the time); however, like Kelly "before", I'd really like to be comfortable in cute tops, too!

  5. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Apologies if I multiple-posted. The captcha wasn't showing so I had to keep refreshing the page.
