Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jenna Jameson's Lips are Huge

One of my favorite celebrity blogs, Celebrity Smack, has a number of new photos of Jenna Jameson at the premiere of the new movie, Zombie Strippers. She's been looking pretty rough for around a year now. Jenna's gotten overly skinny, had her breast implants removed or downsized (not necessarily a bad thing), and has her lips overly plumped. Her lips really look unnatural. If you are interested in seeing Zombie Strippers, it opens Friday.
I don't think my pregnant wife would be happy with me watching it...
For my previous posts on Jenna, click here.
Thanks for reading.


  1. In addition to the lips being overdone, it looks like her eyes have been done since they have that squinty cat look that some other overly done women have as well.

    Congrats on the upcoming baby!

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I'm curious what are your thoughts on this new book out about "My Beautiful Mommy" There's the link about the book. I think it's a diaster waiting to happen.

  3. Look at that book!!! LOL! Do they have one too for "My dad is not my dad anymore but my 2nd mommy after the surgery!!!" Oy VEY!
