Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sarah Jessica Parker - Rhinoplasty?

Has Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker had a rhinoplasty? This one is not obvious. When comparing these photos, it does appear that the tip of her nose is a bit thinner, which could be the result of a subtle rhinoplasty.

If she did have a rhinoplasty, then her surgeon was very conservative, so as to not change her look too much. The worst thing that could happen to her would be what happened to Jennifer Grey, where the nose was altered so much that she was not recognizable as her old self. This has obviously not happened to Sarah Jessica Parker. I do think she is aging very gracefully, and actually looks better now than she did 15 or 20 years ago. Being married to Ferris Bueller may have its benefits!

In has a photo progression of SJP from 1984 (photo above) to the present. I don't see a huge difference in the photos with regards to the schnozz, but maybe a more subtle one from 2006-2007? Click here for link.

Photo credit:,

Thanks for reading,

Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Dr. Youn,
    I saw you on the E Channel tonight for Celebrity Plastic surgery. You did a great job and look fantastic on TV. Thank you for this website.

    A fan of yours.

  2. Thanks for your nice comment!

  3. Anonymous6:27 PM

    her eyes also ?

  4. Tony,

    If you look pictures from the "Square Pegs" TV series, it's sure seems she's had a [i]dramatic[/i] reduction rhinoplasty.

    Just look at how much narrower she is and how much less bulky the tip is.

  5. That's a neat website, good lord, Natalie Portman has had two nosejobs! Its amazing how much all these celebrities have had done...

  6. Anonymous4:23 AM

    I'm not so sure about it. The basic shape of her nose is pretty much exactly the same, including the way it curves.

    I think the changes are more due to very good makeup and overall life changes and aging.

  7. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Off topic, but since SJP is being discussed, I'd like to add a comment or two about her.

    What's with celebrities and their self-entitlement? SJP was "disappointed" that the Nina Ricci dress she wore to the SATC premiere was previously worn by two other celebrities. She was quoted saying, "My affection for the dress hasn't changed. But what they did was so short-sighted. It's just unethical and disappointing that they would allow the dress to be worn again."

    Oh, cry me river!

  8. Anonymous9:50 AM

    hey, do you really think cosmetic surgeries help without causing much of a problem to the skin?

  9. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hey, congrats for such an interesting review.cosmetic surgeries have really become very common nowadays.

  10. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Her best photo was in 1992, when she still looked young and soft. Now she's got that hardened, overly worked out look at too many urban professional women get. Yuck.
