Saturday, July 26, 2008

Brigitte Nielsen Looks Better After Plastic Surgery

Brigitte Nielsen has re-emerged onto the scene after undergoing plastic surgery for a German reality television show. She underwent liposuction on her thighs, Botox, and a breast reduction. The 'after' photos show that the 44 year old ex-wife of Sly Stallone looks great. I wonder if she also underwent other facial plastic surgeries, such as a browlift, facelift, and eyelid lifts? It appears that way to me.

Why did a 44 year old age so prematurely in the first place? It's a possible combination of the California sun, smoking, drinking, and possibly a just plain unhealthy lifestyle.

As an aside, I am finding more and more that people who take really good care of themselves seem to heal from plastic surgery with considerably less swelling, less bruising, and even less discomfort than the average patient. I have a handful of patients in my practice who strictly avoid the Southeast Michigan diet of Coney dogs, deep dish pizza, and Better Made potato chips who have astounded me with their speedy recoveries from plastic surgery. For some reason, I doubt that Brigitte Nielsen would fit into that group. But maybe Flavor Flav...

Note: photo on the left is pre-surgery, right is post-surgery.
Photo and story credit: The Daily Mail

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Brigitte did have a facelift. It was featured in one of the four parts of the show's series. She didn't have a brow lift or eyelid lift, though.

    Part of the first show was posted to an Internet video site. I like to it in the 2nd part of my post on Nielsen:

  2. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Dr. Youn you are right, Brigitte Nielsen did have a facelift, eye lift, facial fat grafting and laser treatment near the eyes; besides that, she got her implants changed to smaller ones (after 20 years!), liposuction and veneers (all of her teeth had caries and pariodontosis). the surgeons were amazed at how well she recovered from the procedures, joking around with everybody while being swollen and bandaged, she seems to be very robust despite her bad lifestyle and alcoholic past.
    anyway, it was a very entertaining and educating show, i recommend watching it on youtube. today is the finale where she's going to show off the results :)

  3. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Hats off to Brigitte Nielson, and she does look very good.

    I would love to have a crystal ball to see what all these people having plastic surgery will look like in 10-20 years time.

    Will they still think trying to look younger is such a good idea?

  4. Anonymous9:38 PM

    i think she looks fantastic and now the outside matches the inside. she's a sweet, whip-smart woman.

  5. Anonymous10:33 AM

    44?!!!! Wow. I'm 46 and after all her surgery she still looks 10 years older than I do. (I don't look that great either, just normal) She looks good for a 55-year-old.

  6. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Good for Brigitte, that bathing suit is unflattering to her body, hope she will get her fashion mojo back!

  7. I think she aged so prematurely because many European women tan VERY heavily. I lived in Northern Europe and saw this on a daily basis. They don't wear sunscreen on holiday and in the wintertime they use tanning beds. Most women over 40 look ten years older than they are.
