Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Getting Ready for Bathing Suit Season

There's not much new in the world of celebrity plastic surgery today, so I thought I'd give you some links to a series of TV segments I did for the local Fox 2 Detroit affiliate. We did a week of "Getting Ready for Bathing Suit Season" segments, focusing on minimally invasive ways to get your body ready for the beach. If you are bored and want to take up a few minutes, here you go:

Laser Hair Removal
Anti-Cellulite Treatments
Laser Spider Vein Treatments
Clay Peel for the Back (Back-ne)

Thanks to the crew at Fox 2 Detroit for including me in these segments!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I tried every cream, diet, and exercise for for over 5 years to get rid of my cellulite. The only thing that finally worked was the VelaShape treatments I had at a local med spa. I had 4 30-minute treatments over my lunch breaks. It felt like a warm massage on the back of my legs. Given all the failures I had previously, I was skeptical this would do anything but my cellulite is barely noticeable anymore. Now I'm a believer and I'm not embarrassed to wear a bikini again!
