Saturday, August 30, 2008

Breast Augmentation Using Stem Cells? Not Yet...

An interesting article claims that plastic surgeons in Europe and Japan are using stem cells for breast augmentation. It also states that some surgeons in the United States are also performing stem cell breast augmentation.

The closest thing to stem cell breast augmentation that I have experience with is fat grafting to the breast. Fat actually does contain a large amount of stem cells, and the procedure does work. However, due to significant controversy regarding its possible effects on mammography and breast cancer detection, I don't recommend it except in those situations where breast implants are not able to be used. The standard of care for breast augmentation is still the breast implant, and I expect that this will not change for a long time.

I know of no plastic surgeons in the U.S. who actually experiment with stem cells for breast augmentation.

Story credit:
Photo credit: The Soap Box

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Hi Anthony,

    Interesting article. Someone I know (no not me) met with Dr. Jafar in Boston, MA who states he studied this stem cell augmentation procedure over in Japan and is now performing it in the US. What are your thoughts on this? Is this guy for real?

  2. I really can't comment on this one. As far as I know, stem cell breast augmentation is something to consider in the future. I am sure the FDA hasn't approved that type of procedure yet.

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    This is certainly an area of significant debate. While more studies are documenting the safety of fat grafting to the breast, it is not an issue that has been completely resolved at this point.

  4. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Hi there,

    I read that you would still recommend implants as the first option for breast augmentation. Don't implants carry much greater risk than the fat transfer procedures, in terms of complications with the implants, and also more serious systemic illness? There are many documented cases of women actually dying from implants!
