Friday, August 22, 2008

The Top 10 Worst Female Celeb Body Parts?

CelebSlam has named their Top 10 Worst Female Celeb Body Parts. Here they are:

10. Jennifer Love Hewitt's Hips
9. Jennifer Garner's Toes
8. Paris Hilton's Wonky Eye
7. Jennifer Lopez's Buttocks
6. Tori Spelling's Breasts
5. Sarah Jessica Parker's Hands
4. Mischa Barton's Thighs
3. Jenna Jameson's Lips
2. Tara Reid's Stomach
1. Amy Winehouse's...Pick Something

I would definitely disagree with a number of their choices, especially Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jennifer Lopez. I wonder what a list of the Top 10 Worst Male Celeb Body Parts would include? Maybe Kenny Rogers' eyelids, Fred Thompson's neck, Mickey Rourke's cheeks, and Brad Pitt's face? ;)
To see photos of the 'offending' body parts from Celeb Slam, click here for their post.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous12:33 AM

    You think a naturally full bottom and curvaceous hips are worse than Jenna Jameson's ridiculously fake, over-enhanced lips or Tara Reids lipo-ravaged stomach? There's something fundamentally offensive and sexist about that, I'm sorry.

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Jennifer Love Hewitt's hips? There are a LOT worse out there.

    Jennifer Lopez's butt is pretty popular so perhaps the site would like to take a poll of some sort.

    Sarah Jessica Parker's hands are no worse than Madonna's.

    Tori Spelling's breasta re no worse than Paula Abdul's, Audrina Partridge's, Vivica Fox's,

    Lisa Rinna's lips need to be on this list.

    Michael Jackson's nose. Or is that too obvious?x

  3. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I'm impressed you had the integrity to put in my original post. Other bloggers simply delete comments that 'dare' to contradict their opinion.

  4. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I thought that was Courtney Love's mouth!

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Anonymous, he said he would "DEFINITELY DISAGREE with a number of their choices, especially Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jennifer Lopez."

    I agree that they're curvy and gorgeous.

  6. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Well, that's a damn shame that a grown woman can't be shaped like a grown woman without it being a "worse body part"! Let's all starve and lipo ourselves down to hipless 12 year old boy bodies so we'll be sexy too!
