Thursday, September 11, 2008

Beauty and the Bucks Article - Plastic Surgery During the Recession

The Detroit News has an interesting, and overall well-written article about the state of plastic surgery in the Metro Detroit area during these economically challenged times. I've heard stores of many plastic surgeons in the area whose practices have been hammered by the slumping economy, especially in this state. The article states that people are still having work done, it's just that they are resorting to less expensive, less invasive procedures in an attempt to save money.

I find it interesting that they interview an oral and maxillofacial surgeon on the state of breast augmentation today. What a crock! If any newspaper reporter would like to discuss the state of dental implants with me, feel free to call!

To read the article, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Good god, that picture accompanying the article shows a 25-year-old getting Botox. I feel nothing but pity for those caught up in this cycle of plastic surgery and falsified enhancement.

  2. Very Entertaining blog you have here !

  3. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Here ,here, once again you've nailed it on the head. The article gets opinions about the state of aesthetic plastic surgery from non-plastic surgeons(except Sayeg). What a joke! Cosmetic surgeons compete by lowering prices which I have no intention of doing no matter what the state of economy. If anything, as inflation rises so will the costs of surgical and nonsurgical procedures. This article is best served at the bottom of my bird cage.
