Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cindy McCain - Plastic Surgery Analysis

We've touched on Sarah Palin, now what about Cindy McCain? Has she had plastic surgery? Colin Stewart from the OC Register has a nice article with the opinions of several experts. The overall consensus to the question of "Did she or didn't she?" is a big maybe.

If she's had any surgery, the only thing I would speculate is an upper blepharoplasty, or upper eyelid lift. Other than that, maybe a touch of Botox, but I doubt it. If she's actually getting plastic surgery, I would assume the press would be all over that story. I think she is aging very gracefully, although she strikes me as a bit frail.

By the way, Joe're next!

Photo credit: OC Register

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I agree with you about Cindy McCain's frailty. Remember, she had a stroke years ago and she keeps herself very thin. Plus, being married to a loose cannon cannot be easy on the nervous system.

    I loved the way she looked when she and her husband were on the cover of Architectural Digest (I don't recall what year it was). She was wearing levis and she looked softer and more approachable and less like a skinny ice princess.

    I wouldn't mind having her wealth but I don't envy the life she leads-so much pressure and public scrutiny.

  2. She looks to me like she's had at least one facelift. Isn't her jawline rather tight for a woman in her fifties?

  3. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Can't wait to see the Joe Biden story .... he's had quite a bit of work besides the hair plugs .

    I would guess eye-work at the least , probably a facelift , and some lipo

  4. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Question, do you think Laura Bush has had some work done too?

    I think Cindy McCain is very beautiful.

  5. Anonymous12:02 AM

    i'm a little late on commenting here, but...

    Tony, I love your blog, but c'mon. Linda Hamilton looks like a natural 52-year-old, but Cindy McCain (who I believe is older) hasn't even had Botox? You've got to be kidding.

  6. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Yes, her jawline is tight for a fair skinned woman in her 50's.
    Her facial skin is much smoother than the skin around her eyes, it appears that she wass altered w/surgery or botox

  7. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Yes, it looks like CMcCain has been surgically altered. Her jawline is much tighter than most fair skinned women her age. The skin around her eyes is considerably wrinkled, but the facial skin looks much younger. The overall appearance is unnatural and a bit spooky.
