Thursday, October 09, 2008

Courteney Cox Admits to Using Botox

According to, Courteney Cox has admitted to using Botox. In a recent interview with Marie Claire magazine she stated:

"Botox? I think it's fantastic and also horrible," she said. "I mean, they've come up with this stuff that can make you not look angry. But you have to use it sparingly."
Us reports that Cox-Arquette, 44, says she did indeed have the venom injected into her face, but she wasn't a huge fan.
"I was miserable," she says.
"I mean, I'm an actor, I've got to be able to move my face."

If Botox is injected tastefully, people can still retain a natural look and expressions. It's those physicians who create a 'frozen forehead' where the expressions can be obliterated.

Do you think she has Botox in this photo?

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Good grief Tony!
    She looks like she's had botox between the brows for the number "eleven" lines. She also appears to have had filler injected (Sculptra or Juvederm) for her naso-labial folds, and hollows under her eyes (and possibly her cheeks plumped a bit).
    She definitely has collagen in her lips...if you look at photos of her when she was barely out of her teens she had really thin lips.

    Michelle Boivin M.D. (Canada)

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I believe CC has had a mid-face lift just a couple years ago before she was debuting in her new TV show. You should check out some before and after pictures.

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

    The only thing worse than a star who has clearly had cosemetic work but denies it is a star who admits to having it but claims to not be doing it any more despite obvious visual evidence to the contrary.

    Courteney, please. We're not stupid. Your face is as frozen as a stone statue. Don't worry though, you're still a good actress and you don't need to be able to scrunch your face up to retain your acting skills.

    I know CC and Jennifer Anniston are good friends, but CC is years older. It must be a bit tough for her to be going through this. Anniston would be well-advised to pay attention, her time will come. It's unavoidable, no matter how pretty, healthy, or wealthy, the wrinkles eventually come.
