Sunday, January 04, 2009

Mickey Rourke - Plastic Surgery - Facelift and Hair Transplants?

Mickey Rourke has been making news lately with his widely acclaimed acting in The Wrestler. As this movie and his performance are seen by more and more people, many of these are wondering what's happened to his appearance over the years. Specifically, what plastic surgery might he have had?

I've commented on some of his possible plastic surgery in a previous post, entitled "Mickey Rourke - Bad Plastic Surgery?" You can visit that here.

If you look at the photos above, there are a few telltale signs that he may have had plastic surgery. Here are the surgeries I think he may have had:

1. Facelift - You can almost make out the scars in front of his ears. Also, notice how his sideburns are no longer present in the 2005 photo. This can occur when poorly planned facelifts are performed in men.
2. Upper eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty) - His upper lids are more open in the 2005 photo when compared with the younger photo.
3. Hair transplant - This procedure appears to have been performed between 2005 and 2008. Notice how his sideburns have reappeared and his hairline has been moved forward. The "wispy" hair of his new hairline is not as thick as in the young photo. This is how hair transplanted in micrografts (one to two hairs at a time) often appears. This is in contrast to old-fashioned hair plugs, which make the hair look like a toy doll's patchy hair.

I've not had a chance to see The Wrestler yet, but am looking forward to catching it in the near future. One of my fondest memories as a young kid was when my buddy Jason Swartz's dad brought the two of us to an NWA wrestling event in East Lansing. It was my dream at the time to see Tommy "Wildfire" Rich wrestle the Super Destroyer. Ahhh... if only life were that simple now...

Photo credit: Young Mickey Rourke :, Older Mickey Rourke :

Thanks for reading.

Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Every time it's a pleasure reading your blogs on plastic surgery, thanks!

  2. Anonymous8:42 PM

    You're being kind. It's obvious he's had numerous plastic surgeries and revisions. Sad, because it's also obvious he has "issues".

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I feel bad for this guy. He used to be so handsome...

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    The 2005 picture without the sideburns is scary looking! He used to be very good looking. And he's such a good actor too.

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    His face scares me now, sadly. I used to think he was so attractive. I wonder if he has regrets....hopefully he likes the look of himself better now than before surgery.

  6. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Well he was looking really scary a couple of years ago, but now it's not quite as bad,everything looks like it's settled in a bit, and hopefully he's learned a lesson not to mess with his face again.
    What are all these actors gonna do when they all kind of look the same age and don't get any older (just wierder looking?)The whole idea of trying to look youthful would have backfired, because they STILL won't gat any work.

  7. Anonymous3:19 AM

    He doesn't have obvious issues... He has had plastic surgery because he was a boxer in the early 90's and I heard once he broke his jaw..
    He is still beautiful in my eyes no matter what...

  8. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Thank you so much for your great references to Mickey's possible hair transplant. I have referenced your comments on my own blog in an article I am doing about Mickey at the Golden Globe Awards.

  9. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I feel bad for Mickey Rourke too.
    But, everyone make mistakes and has to live with their decisions.
    Hats off to him for his Golden Globe Award! He so deserves it!
    Even though he has had a run of bad luck over the past few years, he is and has always been, an incredible actor.
    I wish him noting but continued success! And kudos, for honoring his dogs in his speech at the Golden Globe Awards!!!

  10. my dad mentioned this plastic surgery seems pretty clear that he got a bad face job.

  11. Anonymous11:38 AM

    The plastic surgeries were reconstructive - he returned to his boxing career in the early 90s, and received a number of injuries to his head and face. The main differences I can tell are they tried to reconstruct cheekbones and chin, and possibly nose, but the whole process has changed the shape and angle of his face.

  12. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Mickey Rourke is a remarkable actor. Good for him on the return visit to Hollywood..and snatching a Golden Globe to boot! He'll always be a star to me.
    Julie Bishop

  13. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Mr. Rourke was a successful boxer who needed reconstructive surgery after sustaining injury in the ring. He made hearts skip a beat even before his super sexy role in 9 1/2 weeks. Check out his still hot physique.

  14. Anonymous2:11 AM

    This is going to sound weird, but I suspect he's gotten plastic surgery to look more like the "old Mickey Rourke." Look at the awful photos of him from two or three years ago and look at his most recent appearances at the Globes and on Larry King.

    He's definitely on to the fact that people said he had bad plastic surgery. My guess is he got someone "good" to rectify what they could..

  15. Anonymous12:48 AM

    What most people are ignorant about is that Mickey was a boxer and broke his nose several time. The plastic surgery was the attempt to fix his face that was insulted from years and years of boxing.

    Plus he's an older man, He can't be the same old young dude. Just look at the aging Angelina Jolie, beauty fades and is fading every day we live.

  16. Anonymous3:08 AM

    He should have won that Oscar award!! He is a very talented actor.

  17. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Angelina Jolie is "aging" wtf?!!!

    Wouldn't Mickey Rourke have only been in his 30s or 40s when he got a face lifft. How weird to need a lift that young.

  18. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Well, yes Mick's had plastic surgery. Whether or not it was to repair damage done by boxing, who knows? I'm really glad Mickey is back. This guy is such an astonishing actor, so gifted, that it's a pleasure to see his work appreciated again. I think Mickey has had to deal with many very difficult issues in regard to childhood abuse and I'm hoping he is in a better place now.
    I'd love to see a really accomplished surgeon repair some of the not so great work that's been done. That might do alot for the man's confidence. Good luck to Mick - I can't wait to see what his next project is.

  19. Anonymous4:50 PM

    The role of "the Ram" in the Wrestler is the role that put Mickey Rourke back on the Hollywood map. Actually the not so great surgery and the weight gain for that film really added to the creation of that character. I've noticed that as time goes by with the weight loss his face seems to be looking much better.
    He is an astonishingly good actor and there is always work for someone as extraordinary as Mickey. I wish him all the success in the world.

  20. Christene G.12:37 PM

    Amazingly enough I wasn't into Mickey's movies in the 80's but since viewing The Wrestler I can't get the 80's stuff to my house fast enough! He was definitely hot and talented but now, with age and wisdom thrown into the mix, I find him to be one of the most fascinating people on screen. And the man loves his dogs which makes him a compassionate human being. Love that man and his work! Rock on!
