Monday, February 16, 2009

Celebrity Eyebrow Makeovers on has an interesting slideshow in the Top 12 Celebrity Eyebrow Makeovers. Some are huge improvements while others are barely noticeable. You can check it out here.

It reminds me of a photo I show some patients. I once had a woman in her 30's see me in consultation for a browlift. After looking at her for about two seconds I figured out that she didn't need a brow lift, but a brow wax. Fifteen minutes (and twenty dollars) later she looked a heck of a lot better, as her Andy Rooney bushy brows were shaped into nice, defined arches. I saved her about $3500 and she left the office happy and surgery-free!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

1 comment:

  1. That's a nice story, Dr. Youn. I'm sure there are other cosmetic surgeons who would've taken that woman's $3500 to give her a procedure she really didn't need. You're a good guy. :)
