Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Ann Coulter - Breast Implants?

Quick post today, since I've been busy with many, many other things...

Here's a link to Make Me's post on Ann Coulter and possible breast implants.

For my previous posts on Ann Coulter, click here and here.

p.s. Yes, I assume the Playboy magazine is photoshopped...

Thanks for reading,
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    ann is one of those people who look attractive until she opens her mouth and then the physical beauty seems to fade. maybe its all just show biz with her...but it doesnt help her looks.

  2. If it's true, I'm glad to see a woman (who takes herself so seriously) getting breast implants. Ann Coulter is wrapped so tightly, this could only be an improvement.

    Reese Rivera

  3. Anonymous11:29 PM

    If you look at the date on that playboy cover - it says December 2006.
    Somehow I suspect that cover is a fake.

  4. Sandra10:35 PM

    It is a fake, this is a picture of Cindy Margolis. Notice how Coulter's head looks a little unnatural in the cover
