Sunday, May 24, 2009

Youth Knows No Pain - Plastic Surgery Documentary

Set your TiVo's folks! Filmmaker Mitch McCabe has created a documentary on the current state of plastic surgery, premiering at 9pm EST August 31st on HBO. Screenings before this premiere include:

Cinevegas Film Festival : Saturday June 13, 6:30pm, and Sunday June 14, 10am.

Silverdocs Film Festival, D.C. area. Friday June 19, 3:30pm, Sunday June 21, 6:30pm.

Los Angeles: Sunset Gower Studios, June 30th, 7pm

Here's the lowdown:

In YOUTH KNOWS NO PAIN, an age-obsessed daughter of a plastic surgeon (filmmaker Mitch McCabe) takes a journey through America's $60 billion a year anti-aging world. In this Alice-in-Wonderland tale, McCabe spends 2 years traveling across America visiting doctors, experts and lives with a cross-section of characters from Minnesota to Texas who've gone to varying lengths to "beat the clock", to paint a funny but troubling portrait of a country that desperately needs to stay forever young. Along the way, one wonders if the filmmaker herself hasn't been pulled in by the seduction of youth.

"Youth Knows No Pain" is an alternately wry and unsettling journey across that grey zone where physical appearance meets self-esteem. Mitch McCabe has assembled for the film a remarkable group of individuals who collectively reveal that there's a deep discomfort running through the heart (and body) of contemporary America."
-Richard Peña, Program Director, Film Society of Lincoln Center

For more information on Youth Knows No Pain, click here for their Facebook page.

Special thanks to Mitch McCabe.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I wish that the description of the film would have acknowledged that some people who seek out cosmetic procedures do not want to be "forever young", just more refreshed looking. But I'll agree that there does seem to be a pathological obsession with line free faces these days. Thanks for the heads up, looks very interesting.

  2. Anonymous1:25 AM


    - Cinevegas film Festival Dates, June 10-15. "Youth Knows No Pain screens Saturday June 13, 6:30pm, and Sunday June 14, 10am.

    - Silverdocs Film Festival, D.C. area. Friday June 19, 3:30pm, Sunday June 21, 6:30pm.

    - Los Angeles: Sunset Gower Studios, June 30th, 7pm.

    **HBO Premiere Date: AUGUST 31, 9PM EST

  3. Anonymous1:29 AM

    to anonymous 7:14- not to pick hairs, but choosing words of "refreshed looking" over forever young is just saying that young is more refreshed. It's words, but the point is money and risk is spent on on doing this, and that says a lot about how we feel. Refreshed is absolutely true. Re-freshed, rewound, counter-clockwise, at least in some ways...
