Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Kate Gosselin in a Bikini After a Tummy Tuck

Photos of Kate Gosselin (Jon and Kate Plus Eight) are all over the internet. She's had a tummy tuck, and overall looks great, especially for as many kids as she's had. If you look closely you can see her scar (runs from hip to hip) which is the typical tradeoff of a tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty). There is also a circular scar around her belly button. The scar initially looks red for a year or two, but usually settles down every year until it is often a barely visible fine line.

Other celebs who have copped to a tummy tuck include Patricia Heaton and Dayna Devon.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Jessica11:27 AM

    I enjoy reading your blog and am in need of an eye cream recommendation. My derm tries to push Lumiere on me, but it's expensive ($75), and I could not justify that given the results I saw. Could you recommend something you feel works at a reasonable price ($20-$40)? Do you sell something at your practice? Thanks!

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I guess plastic surgery is the new "natural"...

  3. Anonymous4:56 PM

    She has a very strange torso shape, totally straight from breast level down through the hips. Did the tummy tuck create the straight shape? Or did she have lipo on the hips? I saw the show when she revealed her excess stomach skin, the outcome of her surgery was pretty miraculous.

  4. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Her belly button is placed to high.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Have you tried Redermic Eyes by LaRoche-Posay? It's about $40 and the tube lasts for a long time. It's hydrating and can be used day and/or night.

  6. Anonymous4:41 PM

    @ Anonymous 4:56 PM

    The hourglass figure is becoming extinct.

    It's an interesting article. But since she is relying on her children not herself to bring in the money, that shouldn't be an excuse HA!

  7. Redermic is good. We also recommend Obagi Elastiderm. Anything by Obagi usually is very high quality and effective.

  8. Jessica11:19 PM

    Thanks! I'll try those out.

  9. Anonymous12:33 AM

    8 kids including 6 in one shot?
    She looks AMAZING.
    My gym is full of mommies with 1-2 kids trying to lose those last 30 pregnancy pounds 3 years after childbirth and they are all in awe of her body.

  10. Niecie9:45 PM

    I have really dark circles under my eyes and was wondering what would be a reasonably priced eye cream that would work?

  11. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Kate has had breast augmentation...I'm sure of it. I had augmentation in December and can tell when I see a woman. They sit slightly higher than natural breast...looking rounder and fuller. Too each is own.

  12. The Police Officers Wife9:32 AM

    Whoever said her belly button is placed too high is so right. Kate has turned into the biggest self centered, snobby nosed B**CH I have every seen. The women went from being on Medicaid to being rich and in the process changed her demenar and additude. Now these beautiful children see there parents divorce all over national television. One more thing, the way they flaunt their money around now is ridiculous. Lets do a show how we both get custom made bikes because now we are rich and not like any other NORMAL family. For the kids, I am sad and for the parents, I am disgusted at what monters they have become ( especially Kate).

  13. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Dr. Youn, I'm interested in your opinion about Gosselin's navel. When you do a tummy tuck, is it possible to reposition the patient's navel? Seems like you would be forced to put it in the same position it was in before.

    Police Officer's Wife, Kate Gosselin wasn't ON Medicaid, she had a temporary Medicaid-provided nurse to help her take care of the babies while her husband was at work. If you have any complaint at all, it should be about the Medicaid rules, not about Gosselin's use of Medicaid.

  14. In general, the navel is placed where it is originally, except that the skin that surrounds it postoperatively used to be in a higher position. It is possible to move the navel south, however. This is called a floating umbilicus procedure.

  15. kate gosselin has again gain confidence after tummy tuck and now is can show her body now.

  16. I know this is an old post but I hope you can answer my question anyway =D

    It's about Kate's belly button again. How common is it for the naval to travel so high up after a tummy tuck? I'm sure this is an insignificant side affect to women who get the procedure, but I'm just curious. Is it a rare side affect or is it pretty common?

  17. It probably isn't a consequence of her surgery. Sometimes people have navels that are higher than others. The navel can be moved higher or lower during a tummy tuck, but not to a great degree unless it is a 'modified' mini tummy tuck.

  18. Kate Gosselin is looking so hot with bikini.

  19. gosh!! what's with the bikini?? nothing perfect... about the divorse!! y wont you just talk it out?? what makes you think divorce is always the answer?? you guys are all so dependent with the divorce thing! Cowards!

  20. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Does a tummy tuck have to be done to get rid of stretch marks? There has got to be another way, right?

