Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dr. Youn Presents Dysport on NBC TV

Here is a television segment that aired last night which features me talking about and performing Dysport injections on a patient of mine. As you will see, it injects much the same way as Botox. So far I've found patients to be very happy with it, especially since they can save a few bucks too.
Thanks to WDIV and Dr. Frank McGeorge.


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Wow Marly, that's harsh! The women looks fine! She's very pretty! Also, you should know that there are some people, including women, who don't want to be thin. Overweight (not obese though) people actually live longer than thin people. Yes, it's true. :)

  2. I love it! So excited about Dysport. I've been waiting for a cheaper botox alternative for years.

    I'm going to post about this on my
    Wrinkle Free Skin Tips. web site. My visitors will be excited to hear about it.

    I just sent Dr. Youn an email asking him to post a comment about Dysport on my site and for permission to use the video.

    Thanks for the great info Dr. Youn.

    Linda Robison
