Friday, August 14, 2009

Heidi Montag Wants Bigger Breasts? No!!!

In a recent interview, Heidi Montag (Pratt) says that she wants larger breast implants:

“The Hills” star opened up to Playboy, in an interview conducted by her husband Spencer Pratt, about her newfound desire. While she has had breast augmentation and a nose job, she has plans to “get a few more upgrades.” “I think I want to go bigger on my boobs for [Spencer],” Montag said.
The wannabe pop singer also said she turned to the famous mens mag when deciding what kind of fake breasts would be best for her. "When I was shopping for my boobs, I wanted the best, so I sat down and flipped through a bunch of Playboys … I’m sure as I get older I’ll need some touch-ups”

I think she's got a fantastic figure. Her breasts fit her frame nicely. It'd be a shame if she has larger implants put in, as then she would become disproportionate.

It's too bad she's such a tart and married to an annoying nitwit.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. This is one more example of how bigger isn't better. I don't get why people want bigger boobs. Better shaped boobs perhaps, or higher ones, but I like the smaller look.

  2. Interesting, i do feel her breasts could be improved slightly to be more proportionate to her body, but yes she still is beautiful and her breasts and not small. breast implants or no breast implants she is a very pretty lady...

  3. Michael C. Pickart, M.D., F.A.C.S.1:05 AM

    Dear Dr. Youn,

    I think that you are right on the money! We Board Certified Plastic Surgeons need to emphasize to our patients that proportionate results are most attractive and most durable. Bigger is not always better.

    Michael C. Pickart, M.D., F.A.C.S.

  4. Anonymous7:24 PM

    She'll need "touch ups" regardless of her age. Her implants will require periodic replacement if not removal. Dr. Youn, I'm sure you and other reputable plastic surgeons inform your patients that implants aren't just a one-time procedure, they require maintenance.

    Rosina, I'm in total agreement with you. I don't understand why the girls all seem to want large breasts. Small ones are actually more fashionable and easier to live with. :) I'm a full B/small C (natural), I would never want to go bigger but I think later on I might want them hoisted up a bit. :)
