Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gary Busey - What a Mess...

How would you like to meet Gary Busey in a dark alley? Make Me Heal has a nice post giving many plastic surgeons' opinions on his possible plastic surgery, dental veneers, and brain injury. Take a look at it here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    What do you think caused Gary B.'s eyes to be so measurably asymmetrical? Thanks!

  2. Maurizio5:27 AM

    Hey there, my name is Maurizio
    , This might not be the right place to ask however I've been thinking about getting a hair transplant, I'm losing a fair bit of hair but not bald yet however I'm just wondering what you guys think about laser for hair loss or if you have ever used it? I've been losing my hair for about a year now and been searching on youtube lately and watched a few videos. This video for e.g. explains it however they are clearly advertising their product which would make it bias but does laser actually work? Can someone let me know of their experience? I've very doubtful.
