Monday, November 16, 2009

Can You Get Angelina Jolie Lips with JolieLips Lip Plumper?

There is a new lip plumper on the market, and it doesn't require injections or surgery... but does it work? JolieLips is a device that utilizes suction to attempt to suck your lips bigger. Melissa Dahl of MSNBC has a fun review of the product here.

The lips swell very easily. That's why when a guy gets socked in the kisser he gets a fat lip, not a fat chin. Because the lips are so sensitive, even a mild treatment like this one can create enough trauma to swell the lips temporarily. I suppose you could do the same thing by slapping yourself in the mouth or performing a high school-type makeout session.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I feel bad for any women who feel compelled to purchase this kit. Seriously.

  2. What a gimmick! You are right. It's the minor trauma from the suction cup that creates the lip fullness, and not the lip lotion itself.

    Seems like it would be more fun just to "suck face" with your spouse. You would have more fun and it would be cheaper!
