Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dr. Youn on the Fox News Channel Tomorrow to Discuss Heidi Montag's Plastic Surgery

For those of you who are interested, I will be on America's Newsroom on the Fox News Channel at 10:30 am EST tomorrow (Thursday) morning to discuss Heidi Montag's recent plastic surgery. I'll be joined by noted psychologist Dr. Keith Ablow.

See you then!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I missed the segment.

    So far, this recent video from Fox is the only one out there on the topic:

    Please let us know if you have a link to the segment with you.
    Thanks :)

  2. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Hi Dr. - love your blog. Would you please explain what Heidi was talking about on Access Hollywood when she said she had muscle and bone shaved on her back to give her a curvier look? THanks

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I turned on FOX to watch this and the Wendy Williams Show was on. Is there a clip of this on the internet that I can see?

    She is reminding me of another cosmetic surgery woman who posted here last year about her many procedures and obsession with cosmetic surgery. And Heidi does look a little older than just 23. And she looks much different too. I wonder if there was a way to soften her chin but not at the expense of changing her appearance that drastically? Somewhere mid-way?


  4. I did not see the Fox coverage, however Huffington Post has picked up a good deal of coverage, including the Nightline video clip.

    I am concerned for our young women. I believe elective surgery is a choice, but shouldn't be the only choice that American women feel they have. And to see a lovely young woman of 23 undergo such drastic surgery is more than concerning.

    Have we lost all sense of moderation? And the role of the surgeon in this? And not just the surgeon - but family members, and for teens, most certainly, their parents.

    The issues are complex; media and culture are inseparable, but we are losing beauty in its purest form. I find this tragic.

  5. I believe elective surgery is a choice, but shouldn't be the only choice that American women feel they have. And to see a lovely young woman of 23 undergo such drastic surgery is more than concerning.Have we lost all sense of moderation? And the role of the surgeon in this? And not just the surgeon - but family members, and for teens, most certainly, their parents.
