Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Is Heidi Montag a Hero?

I was watching the news last night and there was a report that stated that Heidi Montag's plastic surgeon called her a 'hero.' Now, I haven't read the context that this was taken from, but I would like to give the benefit of a doubt to her surgeon that he doesn't seriously consider her an actual hero. From what I know of her situation, I would consider her a confused young woman who has psychological problems stemming from self-image and self-esteem issues.

My opinion:
Volunteers in Haiti: Heroes
Troops in Afghanistan: Heroes
Sully: Hero
Man Who Heckled CarrotTop at Latest Performance: Hero
Heidi Montag: Not a Hero


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Oh Carrot Top...why no love here, Dr. Tony? He's a genius!!

    Kidding. Clearly.

  2. ChristieLove8:01 PM


  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Hero, no. Hottie, yes.

  4. Anonymous4:28 PM

    why are you dissing carrot top?

  5. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Please don't give that poor young woman any more attention.

  6. Ah, you crack me up DR with the CarrotTop reference!

    As for the Hero list: Completely agree, except: I think Heidi Montag is a COMPLETE ZERO.

  7. Anonymous8:47 PM

    You're so awesome, Doctor Tony. XD
