Thursday, January 07, 2010

My Celeb Plastic Surgery Slideshow on

Sorry for the lack of recent updates. I've been busy with many projects such as this one: A comprehensive slideshow of celebrity plastic surgery before-and-afters for You can check it out (along with my comments) here.

Enjoy! And don't groan at my lame jokes!

Thanks to Linda Dahlstrom and for the opportunity to write for you.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. That slideshow is how I found your blog. It was great!

  2. Anonymous8:16 AM

    great slideshow and comments. some of these "beautiful people" have just gone too far and ruined the good looks that helped to make them famous. it seems that too much or overdone work makes a person look older and ... desperate. as a patient, ive appreciated your advice of less is more and i think its served me well in my appearance. i think im due for a tune up and plan to come in and see you soon in the new office.

  3. Your Receptionist11:16 AM

    jessica lange's brows are "more arched than most runway shoes"? you kill me.

  4. Thank you for this comparison! :)
    Very interesting what I've learnt.

    mMdonna imo looks gorgeous and she keeps PSies moderate, nothing extreme, yet very efficient.

  5. Andie MacDowell clearly had a nose job early in her career.

  6. Thank you for that entertaining slide show; it was fascinating. Although I don't agree with some of your findings: Meryl Streep's neck has had to have some surgical intervention; Al Pacino's eyes look blank and overdone; Bruce Jenner looks so much better with the revision, I still appreciate your insight and your even-handed approach.

  7. I have never noticed that Madonna's hairline is obviously much higher than it used to be naturally.

  8. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Enjoyed the slideshow. Just wanted to mention, however, that I believe you missed some eye lifts, most notably Cindy Crawford who has definitely had this done. Thanks.

  9. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Never noticed it until these before and after pics, but doesn't it look like Clooney has had a subtle nose job? Comments?

  10. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Dr. Youn,
    I've been following your site for a while and enjoy it. This is a wonderful, well though out news piece.

  11. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Cindy Crawford definitely had her eyes done. It was very noticable a few years ago. At first it looked pretty harsh, but they look great now. Here is a comparison.

  12. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Enjoyed the slideshow. What about Nicole Kidman's early nose job? Very obvious in early pics.

  13. Anonymous12:00 AM

    I'll never understand the cheek implants/fillers. Puffy cheeks do NOT make a person look better or younger, just like raised brows. There are many young people with flat cheeks and low-slung brows.

    Speaking of low-slung brows, what is going on with Andie McDowell's?? She used to have horizontal brows. Now they droop down at the outer edges. I've never seen anything like that before, maybe just because I wasn't paying attention.

    Also, what happened to Nicole Kidman's upper lip? I'm not talking about the implant, I'm talking about the missing part in the middle of her upper lip that used to hang down a bit and now is missing, like she's developing a cleft. If she had that part back her lip would look a heck of a lot better.

    Susan Sarandon and Sharon Stone look the best, IMO.

  14. it seems that too much or overdone work makes a person look older and ... desperate. as a patient, ive appreciated your advice of less is more and i think its served me well in my appearance. i think im due for a tune up and plan to come in and see you soon in the new office.
