Monday, February 15, 2010

Madonna - Chin Implant?

Madonna's recent appearance in Brazil has sparked rumors she may have had a recent chin augmentation. As you can see by the photo her chin does look a bit prominent, and maybe even swollen from recent surgery. Why would she have this procedure done? I never thought her chin was small in the first place!

Chin implants are placed via small incisions either inside the mouth (my preferred technique) or under the chin. When inserted through the mouth there is no visible scar afterwards. I often see people who come in asking for a rhinoplasty to reduce the size of their nose when the real problem is a tiny chin. A small chin can actually make the nose look bigger than it really is. Just a quick lesson on facial harmony...

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    She doesn't even look like her former self! Scary.

  2. Anonymous7:37 AM

    dr...does a bigger chin make u look younger?

  3. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Yes, it looks as though she's had a chin implant done - out of balance with the rest of her features.

    Also looks like lip injections were done too, particularly her upper lip appears larger than normal.

  4. Anonymous6:25 PM

    She's turning into Jocelyn W. Her old face is long gone and apparently she's addicted to freeze and fills and all the other enhancements.

  5. A bigger chin doesn't make a person look younger, but can often create better harmony with the face.

  6. Anonymous10:52 PM

    I got a chin implant several weeks ago and now notice everyone who has had work done. And I just googled "Madonna chin implant" thinking she has one, too!

    Amazingly, and surprisingly, my nose which is on the longer side looks much better with a prominent chin. I'm still freaked out by the change in my facial balance but I'm slowly coming around.

  7. On Letterman 7/30.
    She's obviously had some of that cheek work/implants/whatever that these women sometimes get.
    Farah Fawcett got it so many years back.
    They look AWFUL.
