Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thank you and The End - APRIL FOOLS

I've been writing this blog for nearly four years now, and have had a blast doing it. I truly appreciate the thousands and thousands of readers who have left comments and regularly read my ramblings. Unfortunately, I've been threatened with a lawsuit from Carrot Top who took offense at my opinion on his appearance. For that reason (and others) I've decided to end my blog.
Starting today.
April 1st.

Gotcha :) (Yes, this was an April Fools Joke. You didn't think you'd get rid of me this easily, did you?)


  1. For a second I believed you. So mean.

  2. Anonymous12:27 AM

    You got me! :-)

  3. Anonymous1:52 AM

    I panicked there for a second. *whew* I need your insights and information - don't ever quit!!

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    No way! April Fools huh?

  5. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Ha, good one. You actually did get me for a moment. I told my wife that one of the blogs I read was ending. Then I got to the end.

  6. oh you kidder! (I sure hope you're kidding!)

  7. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I have enjoyed your blog for a long time.

    F@CK Carrot Top!

  8. Yep, you had me April Fooled for a moment. Don't do that again; I'm old and I frighten easily. I saw Racquel Welch on the Joy Behar show (with Valerie Bertinelli as the guest host) and I almost plotzed from laughing. Welch claimed zero cosmetic surgery but championed the use of "frownies" to prevent wrinkles. That's all she does for her smooth face, folks.

  9. Good luck Dr. Youn! I'll miss you!

  10. LOL! You got me for a minute. I think it's because of how offensive Carrot top really looks! Maybe the public should sue him for having to look at those godawful shoulder implants all the time. Shudder. I hope your blog never ends. It's always a good read and educational too. Loved seeing what you had to say about Raquel Welsh. My husband didn't recognize her on GMA the other day. Very scary stuff.

  11. Christie_Love7:36 PM

    I COMPLETELY panicked. Whew!
