Thursday, June 03, 2010

Man Nips??

This is a very disturbing photo from As you can see, this poor chap has enlarged nipples, or Man Nips. How would I treat him?
First off, I would ask him to shave off that Jack Shepard off-the-wagon beard. Then, as far as the nipples, we have two options. Some plastic surgeons would just lop them off at the mid-point, and allow the tip of the nipple to slowly heal in (ouch!). Another option would be to cut out a donut of skin from around the base of the nipple, causing the nipple to resemble a mushroom. Then I would stitch the end of the nipple (head of the mushroom) down to the base of the nipple to shorten it.
However he decides to have it done, this guy needs some professional help!


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I don't think he was born this way. More than likely, through whatever means available, he purposely did things to enlarge his nipples to this extent. It's a sexual fetish.

  2. Is that Daniel Day Lewis? Looks like a really creepy poster for There Will Be Blood :)

  3. Now that's just nasty. Fetish, bad genes or whatever, the man needs help.

  4. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Obviously I'm the only sane person who believes this is the work of photoshop...

  5. That is completely gross... This guy needs to get some liposculpture ASAP! Tell him to find a doctor now!!!!! LOL

  6. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Of course it's not Photoshop! There are certain practices amongst gay men to pump nipples up to expand sexual excitement. It's obvious this guy partakes in this practice. You can buy vacuum pump kits or simple snake bite suction cups that pump up the nipple. The more it's done, the bigger they get
