Monday, July 31, 2006

Melanie Griffith

Melanie Griffith and plastic surgery...Here is my first post ever for this blog. It was also the cover story for back in January. For those of you relatively new to the blog, I hope you find it interesting and entertaining.

Melanie Griffith is becoming a classic example of a Hollywood starlet who has attempted to use plastic surgery to unsuccessfully retain her youthful beauty. During "Working Girl," she had a very nice look, which has been tampered with too much since then. The most obvious feature is her overly large, misshapen lips. She has augmented her lips too much, causing her to lose the Cupid's bow part of her upper lip. This is likely a sign of a gortex lip implant (a type of plastic that some plastic surgeons use to augment the lips, whereas I use it for the covering on my jacket). The easiest way to spot a gortex implant is to see how the lip moves while the person is talking. The gortex does not allow the lip to move normally, and therefore the lip looks too stiff. I find that the vast majority of patients who get gortex lip implants will later have them removed. Her lip augmentation is a misguided attempt to look young, as a sign of youth is larger lips. However, there is a fine line between "bee stung" and youthful, and she has crossed it. Interestingly enough, the person in Hollywood with the largest, most luscious lips, Angelina Jolie, appears to have had them all her life. While some actresses get their lips overly enlarged in order to look younger and keep up with the younger Hollywood stars, it usually doesn't help keep their careers going. While other actresses of Melanie's generation such as Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis have continued with successful acting careers, Melanie Griffith's career appears to have stalled in the early 90's.

In addition to the lips, she appears to have had some Botox to smooth her forehead, and laser treatments and a probable facelift to over tighten her face. This makes her facial movements appear too tight (à la Joan Rivers) and is a sign of too much plastic surgery.

Melanie has had so much work done that, reportedly, husband Antonio Banderas has forbidden her to have any more plastic surgery. She would look much more natural and glamorous, in my opinion, if she just had the implants removed from her lips.


  1. Ahh...the dreaded Gore-Tex implant. Yesterday I was talking to a woman who obviously had those in her lips, and they were so stiff that she actually couldn't form words properly--she could barely move her upper lip. Do the results always look that bad? If so, why aren't those things taken off the market?

    And Melanie Griffith hasn't looked like a human being since, what, 1995?

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Are there any lip implants that can look natural?

  3. The worst ones in my opinion are the gore-tex or Soft form implants. Soft, they are not. Restylane or collagen can look natural if not overdone. The best implant, however, is your own fat.

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    It's not Mel's surgery that has stalled her career; it's her lack of talent and decades of substance abuse, which also doesn't help her appearance. No one's cared about her for ages.

  5. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I believe our face and body are the external expresion of our whole being... we are all one... we are not only our body but also mind, heart and soul... as we aged we change according to our growths as human beings... and is nothing more beautiful in my opinion that proyecting and being what we are without trying to pretend to be younger, trying to hide our age and wrinkles....

    our wrinkles are also expressions of our life experiences, our evolution as living beings...

    There is a false and artificial glamour in being or trying to be as someone else is..... and trying to fit it at any cost in the sort of " standard " beauty... that is we are make to believe that we need to look in certain way, dress in certain way, and live in certain way to be conside " in " and " cool " ... being ourselves is much more important than trying to fit in any stereotype...

    That may be bad new for the billio-dollar cosmetic surgery industry and all the diet business and all the fashion industry, and all the other industries related to those I just mentioned...

    We many need to stop, breath deep and look at the mirror and see what we really see when lood and look at what we really are... and what we really want to be... deep inside us... in our real selves

    Best Wishes


  6. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Could not agree more with Ines.

    These people are so screwed up, you start feeling sorry for them.
