Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Shannen Doherty

Shannen Doherty is very upset with rumors that she's had plastic surgery. In fact, she is so distraught, that Sky Showbiz is reporting that she has hired a lawyer to sue the magazine which printed the story. Awful plastic surgery also has a story on her possible plastic surgery as well. I'd comment on this, but I don't want the former star of "Our House" to sue me too.

Photo and story credit: Sky Showbiz


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Her crow's feet look really prominent. Surely she's too young for them to be so severe.

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Those before and after pictures often look really suspect to me. The one you link to here is a good example. The lighting is very different (I can tell by looking at the shadow that her hair casts on her forehead) and her hair color is different and it doesn't say when the pictures were taken, so she could be actually five or ten years older in one than in the other.

    In fact, I notice that that Awful Celeberity... site will post a picture of a celebrity and then show her in the Eighties or something, and say "Look how awful the surgery is, she looked so much better back then." Kind of unfair to compare her picture when she was twenty years younger, bad surgery or no.

  3. Photo quality is indeed important, but overall I would agree that there does appear to be some possibly unnatural changes.

  4. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Aren't white women prone to crows feet? It's something you usually don't see in Asians, African Americans, and Latin women, until they are quite a bit older, but I've noticed crows feet on white women in their mid-thirties.

  5. I can't say that I've noticed this as an ethnic trait. The wrinkles are caused by muscles that all people have, regardless of race. That being said, some people believe that certain ethnicities age "better" than others.

  6. Anonymous7:03 PM

    um yea im very ashamed of the rumor of shannen doherty's plastic surgery i thought it was true at first until i read her website i cant belive they humlited Shannen shes the BEST Charmed actor ever Prue waz great mostly bc Shannen waz the one doing her part so if u no her tell her im so srry wat happened i am tell her that pleaz!!!!

  7. Anonymous3:53 PM

    She is only 35... I think it is disgusting, after all the stupid hype that went on about her in the 90s with her "wild" behaviour, that the media is still picking on her. She is beautiful and if they can't accept that then they are even more pathetic than I thought.

  8. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Her eyebrows look kind of funky. She is not even forty yet and she looks much older in those pics. Lousy actress and a republican... sick.

  9. Anonymous2:56 PM

    just saw her in a new movie and looks aweful. it does look like she had surgery.. she's only 39 and looks like she's in her 50's
