Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Celebrities with Breast Augmentation on Wikipedia

Wikipedia has a list of celebrities who've supposedly had breast augmentation. It's not a really complete list, but does appear to be pretty accurate to my eyes. For those of you not familiar with Wikipedia, it is an online encyclopedia which is written by the readers. The readers are the ones who alter the information by adding, subtracting, and correcting it. It can be a very valuable resource for certain subjects, although can be influenced by the opinions of the people writing it. Any comments on Wikipedia are appreciated, as I am not really familiar with it. They also have a list of celebrities who've had breast reduction. I didn't know that Whoopi Goldberg had a breast reduction...

Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    There was an omission on that list: Christina Aguilera. I think it's glaringly obvious she's had her breasts augmented. They look like bolt-ons on her tiny frame, not to mention the canyon in between. I wonder why nobody talks about her implants or calls her out on it when they attack others like Tara Reid, et al.

  2. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I would never have guessed Kimberly Stewart. That one has to be a joke. I like Wikipedia, but, you know, not always the most reliable source of accurate information...............

  3. There is a funny story that Kimberly Stewart supposedly had her implants removed and gave them to Jack Osbourne as a gift.
