Sunday, January 21, 2007

Paris Hilton Considering Blepharoplasty?

Hollyscoop is reporting that Paris Hilton may be considering plastic surgery to repair her uneven upper eyelids. Her left eyelid looks a bit droopy at times (medical term is eyelid ptosis) and this can be repaired with a blepharoplasty with ptosis repair.
Sure, her eyelid may be a bit asymmetrical, but I wouldn't be rushing off to fix this. Somehow I think we'll be seeing her droopy eyelid for years to come...

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous5:51 PM

    By definition,ptosis repair deals with the upper eyelid retractor,levator muscle,and is truly not "cosmetic"plastic surgery per se. Although performed by some plastic surgeons, ophthalmologists probably do this procedure much more commonly. Blepharoplasty involves removing redundant upper eyelid skin and fat but will not specifically repair her ptosis. In other words, who cares about Paris' ptosis problem. Actually,why should we care about Paris Hilton at all. She is an uneducated, spoiled, talentless, pseudo-celebrity riding the coattails of her famous last name unworthy of the attention she garnishes.

  2. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I don't think a simple eyelid surgery is going to be anywhere near enough to correct everything else that's wrong with her ;-)

    And I'm not talking about aesthetically, either.

  3. just wanted to add that she's really not helping the situation by wearing those blue contact lenses. they're drying up her eyes, and shes continued to wear them , against doctors advice.
    by the way, i just found this blog to day and i love it!

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