Friday, February 09, 2007

Nancy Pelosi - Plastic Surgery?

Has Nancy Pelosi had plastic surgery? SF Weekly has an interesting article which examines this possibility, along with quotes from yours truly. I haven't seen many 'before' photos of her, but she does look darn good for 66 years. She may very well have had her face and her eyelids lifted...

Thanks for reading.


  1. She's completely too post-surgical looking to me. She demonstrates the long-term problem about excess fat resection in classic upper lid procedures. The hollowed out cadaveric look makes her look older rather then youthful to me. Her exagerated brow-lift position (I'm presuming she had) makes it even more distracting.

  2. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Dr. Rob must be a republican. LOL. Nancy rocks!! Who cares if she's had work done, she's doing important work now keeping the boy king in check.

  3. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I think she looks great! Our Madam Speaker of the House is a very beautiful, mature woman. Can you believe she is actually older then Mr. Penile implant Dick Cheney? You're right anon 11:33, who cares if she's had work done. The only thing that matters is that she gets some work done cleaning up all this corruption distroying America. She rocks!

  4. Anonymous10:44 PM

    She looks like a deer caught on headlights.

  5. Anonymous6:29 PM

    She looks like a typical liberal woman (i.e. ugly.) Which explains why most liberal "men" are on the other team. Don't believe me? Google images of other leftist females and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    What a horrible botox job. Is she trying to look like John Kerry?

  6. Anonymous9:01 AM

    anon @ 6.29

    liberal women - ugly? Perhaps your idea of beautiful is Ann coulter.

    Great choice!

  7. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Ah, yes, Ann (the man) Coulter...such a lovely woman. Check out the adams apple on that babe. And her feet? Ginormous! Yep, those repub women sure are beyooteeful. Lol.

  8. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Everytime I hear a women say she is, "conservative," I throw up a little in my mouth. Oh and one of you doctor's should take a bone saw to Ann's feet and Adam's apple... she could fem. it up a bit.

  9. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Amazing! What started as a critique on her surgery has turned into a juvenile political bashing. Liberals, grow up! The doctor may even be one of you. The second "Anon" had it right when he called her "Madam" as she looks like she is running a brothel! (Yes, THAT was a political jab!)

  10. Anonymous9:43 PM

    She does not look good at all. I myself am considering having my eyes done and if my results are anything like hers I am better off with saggy eyelids. She looks horrible when I see her in magazines and on TV. Not natural at all...very plastic.

  11. Anonymous9:41 PM

    It's unfair to run this photo with this article. She's obviously gesturing with her hand, and making an animated facial expression. In other photos of her she looks like she's had work done, but doesn't look exaggerated at all.

  12. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Who cares what the woman looks like are we all getting so stupid that someone's looks counts more than their substance ..

  13. Anonymous3:44 PM

    One of your liberal responders said OLE Nance is cleaning up corruption. Give me a break. She is a big part of the good ole boy system that is ruining this country and the news media is helping. Oh and her plastic surgion should give her money back. She will be in her eighties before she looks normal again.

  14. talking about work done, how bout the Veep. I think he sleeps with his eyes open. Lack of sleep could explain the outburst on flying etc.

  15. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Wow in case you didn't hear this is about Nancy Pelosi and her awful plastic surgery NOT whether republicans or democrats are more attractive. As with any group of people there are nasty looking people on both sides. Grow up! Everyone knows Republicans have the brains but back to plastic surgery she looks like a sad old lady trying to look young..and failing miserably.

  16. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "Nancy Pelosi - Plastic Surgery?"

    Does the Pope like big hats?

  17. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Will the good madam be able to keep her "cosmetic" surgeon when she nationalizes healthcare...because my guess is she used her own doctor of choice for her procedures. I laugh when liberal "women" bash Ann Coulter as the jealousy factor is so obvious.. beautiful blonde, intelligent, educated, rich and she has a great body as well. All you can say is she has big feet (when was the last time you saw her feet?) and an Adam's apple...Please..WEAK as WATER!
    Now go shave your arm pits, legs and moustaches.

  18. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I just thought that she had her own centrifuge machine like the ones that astronauts train in. You know the ones that spin real fast to simulate g-forces. Nothing pulls your skin back like 20 G's for ten minutes!

  19. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Dennis Miller said it best, "Plastic Pelosi." Yes, Ann Coulter is beautiful.

  20. Anonymous10:16 PM

    You morons, go ahead and keep thinking the left is different from the right.

    Pelosi is part of the problem to the person that said she is cleaning up corruption.

    LMAO about plastic surgery. We all life in a world of fake plastic trees.
