Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Teri Hatcher - No Botox?

According to Starpulse, actress Teri Hatcher now states that she is against the use of Botox:

She is quoted by Daily Express newspaper as saying: "I don't use Botox or Restylane and I've never had any surgery. A male friend in the fashion industry once asked me, 'Why is make-up any different to getting Botox?' I said I didn't think it was a fair comparison, make-up is removable, it's not permanent. But changing the natural chemical state of who you are? I'm not sure."

In March 2006, the Desperate Housewives star admitted having Botox and collagen injections - which plump up the lips - to keep her looking young. Teri - who plays hapless Susan Mayer in the US TV show - said: "In the past, I've had Botox and collagen."

Hmmm, that's a pretty smooth forehead she is sporting in this photo from 2 weeks ago... Must be good genes.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    That's mighty strange genes, what that would cause copious wrinklage around the eyes and mouth, yet none on the brow or glabellar area. ;)

    It's a shame stars have to lie about this kind of stuff.

  2. Anonymous11:46 PM

    If you will compare earlier photos of Teri Hatcher you can clearly see very baggy eyes. Without question, she has had corrective surgery to remove the obvious undereye bags.

    Celebrities don't have to lie. Liars have to lie.

  3. I can't stand it when people who've obviously had work done start to get defensive about it. Plastic surgery is nothing to get defensive about. It's time to get rid of this ridiculous, Puritanical stigma against it. Sheesh.
