Friday, April 21, 2006

George Michael

Is George Michael a good father figure for plastic surgery? He looks quite a bit different from his "Faith" days. I think a large part of it stems from a bit of weight gain as he has gotten older (most people gain about 10 lbs every decade). He may also have had a browlift and upper blepharoplasty as well, causing his eyelids to look smaller (see Kenny Rogers). No matter, he still has a pretty impressive set of pipes! I think he is one of the best pop singers ever.

He made a great return recently at American Idol. The song was a bit depressing, but it is nice to see him back in the spotlight.


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    he is a good singer, that is what really matter, cosmetic surgery does not make poeple different, it just a personal thing.

  2. Anonymous6:01 AM

    If you look at George closely around the 1999 and early 00's you'll see that he did have to start having slightly sagging eyellids, but I thought it looked fine, and I've been really wondering what is going on with his face. Hopefully, he's stop RIGHT where he is at in 2010. He should age gracefully, I think he has stopped, he's a man's role model in terms of taking care of yourself and looking good and style.
