Saturday, April 22, 2006

Tori Spelling

Has Tori Spelling had a breast augmentation? The current issue of In Touch Weekly magazine has my comments on the noTORIous one and her chest. It also mentions this very blog. Click on the above photo to read it. Thanks to In Touch Weekly magazine and D.E. for the nice mention!

To view a video of a breast augmentation I performed for Fox News, click here.


  1. Anonymous3:35 AM

    I just read the book "Stiff," by Mary Roach, and was wondering what kind of cosmetic procedures are done with tissue harvested from human cadavers?

  2. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Ooooh nasty question, anonymous. But interesting. TONY! Hi. It's one of your fellow K grads. You'll know if you click my blog linked below (trying to rename nameless). I am in Kzoo visiting family and walked through the lobby of Fine Arts where we had our Instrumental Methods final concert. I remembered your saxophone solo fondly and laughed outloud. I saw your write up in InTouch, talked to Alison, and thought I'd say Hi. Glad to see you're doing well. :) When you have time, I'd love your thoughts on Nicole Kidman. No one seems to talk about what work she's had done...are some stars "untouchable" in terms of talking about their surgeries? Cuz it looks like she's had it allll. take care!

  3. Hi Hollowsquirrel (SV)! Nice to hear from you! I see you have a new baby like us. What a cutie. It's nice to hear you are doing well too. Where is Allison nowadays? I hear that she moved out East? Make sure to check out Vivek's blog on my links section (Forever lost in music). Anyways, regarding Nicole, she appears to have had a canthopexy surgery, which is when the corners of the eyes are made more slanted, making her eyes look more almond-shaped. Other than that, good skin care and peels are the big thing for her(and good makeup).
    Human cadaver tissue is used for many things, but cosmetic plastic surgery doesn't use a lot of it. Alloderm is radiated cadaver skin which has been used extensively to mainly fatten the lips. I am not a fan of it, because it's one thing to have cadaver tissue in the sole of your foot, but it's a whole other thing to have it in your lips! There are other radiated tissue that can be used as well (radiation kills the germs and avoids rejection) such as bone, but this is not often used for cosmetic purposes.

  4. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I can't believe there is a question in anyone's mind as to whether or not Tori has implants. They are so damned ugly. Her "tits" look like they are thumbwrestling. The only good thing about them is that they distract from that awful face of hers.

  5. She's so thin, did she not have them put under the muscle instead of on top so that they wouldn't look so obvious? I got mine put under the muscle, and that made them look so much softer and more natural. Although, putting them under the muscle did mean they hurt like hell for a few weeks.

  6. Anonymous11:31 PM

    I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

  7. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

  8. Anonymous4:23 AM

    was wondering what kind of cosmetic procedures are done with tissue harvested from human cadavers?
    tori spelling
