Thursday, September 28, 2006

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham (a.k.a. Posh Spice) has been blog fodder for months, mainly focusing on her oh-so-obvious breast implants. The excessive roundness that she displays is very consistent with breast implants which are high profile (rounder than traditional discus-shaped implants), overfilled, and likely on top of the muscle. When the native breast tissue disappears due to a low body fat percentage, there is nothing covering the implants but skin. This causes the shape of the implants (round) to be very apparent. In addition, some women who start out with no breast tissue at all (AA cup) have their implants literally make up their entire breast. This also predisposes to a less natural result. Of note, because she is British, there is a distinct chance she has the silicone gel implants which are not allowed to be placed in this country outside of government studies. No matter, she was always my favorite Spice Girl.

Photo credit:


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Isn't that horribly uncomfortable? Painful even? How does a person get used to that, even a person whose life revolves around her appearance? I'm not opposed to breast augmentation at all but that looks like it would hurt every minute of the day.


  2. Unless she has a capsular contracture (excessive scar tissue around the breasts), it is unlikely that she has pain from her breast implants.

  3. Another question? What about being able to breastfeed and the milk ducts and breast growth? The lady has 3 kids. Any likely hood she was able to breastfeed with those halved melons?

    Also, is there any room for milk ducts and what about breast growth? Was there any?

  4. It's official.
    She's plastic.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    What would you recommend for a tiny woman with little natural breast tissue? For example 5 foot and about 90 pounds.

  6. Hey anonymous, I'm almost exactly the size you described, and I've been told mine look really natural. I had 300 cc's, they're under the muscle so you don't get that roundness on the top, and my doctor put them in from the armpits, so you don't see the scars. Does that help?

    (Sorry if this posted twice, my browser went all funky for a second.)

  7. I would agree with Jude C. Placing the implants under the muscle and not going too large with them are the two keys to creating a nice, natural look for you.
    Breast feeding is usually not an issue with breast augmentation. If she were to get pregnant, her breast glands would likely enlarge to produce milk. Some women though, surgery or not, don't produce enough milk to support a baby anyways.
    It is also possible that her breasts look like they do due to the previous pregnancies. Many women lose breast tissue after breastfeeding.

  8. Anonymous1:14 AM

    It doesn't look like she lost any.

  9. Igh... seeing pictures of her and those balloons always make me shiver and ask "why, why get something like that when you DO have money to get better boobs?"
    I don't think I will ever get the big idea behind on what is so great about beach ball boobs.

  10. Anonymous5:35 AM

    i love the look of posh i think she looks great im her size frame and now having big breast implants if you dont like the look then its simple dont look at her

  11. Anonymous11:06 PM

    very good site

  12. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The thing that makes me laugh is that Victoria emphatically denied she had implants and was totally natural, being guilty of only having a relationship with St. Tropez.

    After a lawsuit that she and her husband filed against a tabloid, in which she had to state under oath she had no surgery done, she finally admitted having surgery and has not uttered a word on the subject since. There were also medical records submitted as an exhibit. Case closed.

  13. Anonymous6:05 PM

    She looks like a spider monkey with breast implants. She looks ridiculous.

  14. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Oops! I think this might be because of her hubby, soccer player.
    I've found a hilarious parody to describe the situation:

  15. Anonymous12:02 PM

    If you're an A or a B cup, be grateful. I'm a natural C36, and my waist is 25 inches, meaning there's like a 12 inch difference between my bust and my waist (and my shoulders are even broader than my bust, so finding blouses or blazers to fit is a nightmare). I want to get them reduced - they're too big for my frame, but I'm only 22, I want 3 or 4 babies in a decade, and they're just going to get bigger if I breastfeed, so there's no point in getting them reduced now.They're just annoying! I'd like a B cup.

  16. Anonymous5:29 PM

    ok her breast looks fake, but
    i love her, she's beautiful....and so lucky to be with David! hihi ...sorry ;) im a huge fan!
    Boob Job
