Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pamela Anderson

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What is going on with Pamela Anderson's nipples? I believe it is a result of scar tissue from peri-areolar (scar around the areola) breast augmentation surgery. With the alleged numerous breast implant surgeries she has had, it makes sense that she may have developed some scar tissue around her areolas and nipples. This can cause the nipple to project downward or look a bit odd. Peri-areolar breast augmentation is not my favorite way to perform the surgery (although I do it that way in patients who desire it), but it is a very popular technique on the West Coast.

Photo credit:


  1. Someone told me that every time you have your implants changed, the doctor has to go a different route--is that true?

  2. And yet she's always going topless and whatnot. Does she not even notice she looks frankensteinish? She's so gross.

  3. It isn't true that one must go a different route with each surgery. If someone has a complication though, it may be difficult to treat it using the belly button or armpit route.

  4. Anonymous9:18 PM

    World's second penis implant: a tiny penis has been planted on Pamela Anderson's boob.

  5. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Was hoping to read about breast reduction. Am nervous, but need to just do it!!

  6. Anonymous3:31 PM

    its a nipple sticker

  7. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I would just like to know why her nipples are on the top of her boobs, as is apparent in any photo where she is wearing a semi transparent shirt

  8. Heavy implants can cause "bottoming out" which causes the implant to stretch the lower portion of the breast. The nipple remains in the same spot, however.
