Sunday, December 10, 2006

Adrianne Curry - Breast Augmentation

Adrianne Curry, of "America's Next Top Model" and "My Fair Brady" fame, has recently admitted to having a breast augmentation to create more symmetry between her breasts. According to an interview with HollywoodScoop, her left breast has always been larger than the right. She had them both augmented by a prominent Beverly Hills plastic surgeon.
I am happy that she felt comfortable in revealing this to everyone. In my experience, there are a LOT of women who have considerably assymetric breasts. Although surgery is not for everyone, I have seen it make a big difference in the self-image of many of my patients.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    "In my experience, there are a LOT of women who have considerably assymetric breasts."

    So maybe it's just a normal thing to accept?

  2. For many people it is, and that's ok.

  3. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I used to have assymetric breasts.
    dr.youn fixed them. :)

  4. that is one beautiful person right there, inside and out!

    Talking 'bout Adrianne of course:)

  5. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I got them done and they did not work for me and according to a lot of my friends on, it has not helped for them either.

  6. Anonymous10:36 PM

    As a 38 year old woman (also from Joliet-whoot whoot) I have struggled since I was 13 with horribly assymetric breasts. I have had three breast surgeries thus far, two within the last three years. THANK YOU Adrienne for being a voice for all of us! I applaud you for being so strong to admit that we are not all perfect and that there is no shame in seeking whatever means it takes to feel better about themselves. I don't feel 100% perfect about my breasts, but I don't feel like a freak anymore either. In a world where appearance is so important these days, people (both young and old) can be unbelievibly cruel when your breasts are obviously uneven.
    Thank you again, Adrienne you are beautiful inside and out!

  7. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I'm currently having this problem, and I feel horrible.I'm too scared of plastic surgery, and I'm trying to convince myself I must accept me the way I am...but it's so difficult...

  8. Anon-Rest assured, there are millions of women like you around the country and world.

  9. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Eh, it was just an excuse to get big bajumbas put in. I and everyone else saw her breasts naked in Playboy and in bikinis everywhere else and they were fine, just not huge.

  10. I am a 43-year-old married mom of two teen boys who is trying to decide whether to have a breast augmentation procedure performed. I have a severe discrepancy in the size of my breasts - from a C cup on one side to an A on the other. I currently wear a prosthesis available in department stores, but I would love to be able to wear a bathing suit without worrying about my "chicken breast" falling out. I would also love to look like a "real" woman for once, too. I did not feel comfortable enough with my body to nurse, because my breasts didn't even enlarge during either pregnancy, although I did lactate. I also worry what kind of message this will send to my two teenage sons if I decide to have the surgery. I do not think I am obsessed with my self-image and am about 20 pounds overweight, which I will lose before I have this procedure if I decide that's what I want. I also hesitate because we would have to borrow the money, but my husband is supportive either way.

  11. Anonymous1:02 PM

    she def. looks good, however beautiful inside and out?? I would have to question that. I wish she could have an augmentation on her filthy mouth. Does she really have to talk like that, or is it just for attention?
