Friday, December 08, 2006

Beyonce - plastic surgery or wig?

A quite odd-looking photo of Beyonce has been circulating around the internet lately. Some websites have attributed the strange lines on her face to plastic surgery. As a plastic surgeon who has performed thousands of facial rejuvenation surgeries, I can tell you that this is caused by no plastic surgery that I know of. I'm no expert at wigs, but I would bet that these "Klingon" wrinkles are more than likely caused by a wig or extensions. Click here for a previous post on Beyonce.

Source: the Superficial

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I have been hearing that the wig she prefers is called a "lace-front" type wig. The wig is attached to a nearly sheer mesh panel which is then glued around the entire hairline--the forehead, sides and nape of the neck.

    Now she is definitely no stranger to these wigs, but never once can I remember there being a picture of her like this! Maybe she just recently changed wig designers!

  2. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Yeah, it's wig glue. I imagine we don't usually see it because there aren't that many pictures showing her moving her jaw like that. And maybe the glue was sloppily applied.

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I'd love your opinion as to whether this 67 year old Ford model has had an work done. She claims not!

    Many thanks for a most entertaining website!

  4. It's hard to say for sure. One thing is for sure: she looks great at 67! There are some people who just plain look great at that age, so it is definitely possible she is one of them.

  5. I've never seen such a smooth forehead on anyone that age.

  6. Anonymous7:12 AM

    agree on the smooth forehead comment. She definitely has a load of Botox in her forehead and also around her eyes preventing them from "crinkling" up naturally as she smiles. Also it looks as if she has filler (collagen or similar) in her face. I think too she likely has had a brow lift and possibly other work.

    She's a model, model's lie all the time about what they have or have not had done. Just like they lie about the eating disorders they do not have ! Ha!

  7. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Hi Dr. Youn! That weird 'ruffle' along her hairline is a trick we makeup artists and hairstylists use to pin down the edges of a wig or hairpiece onto skin and it's called Topstick, which is like double-stick tape but stronger. Her wig-person used too much of it over a large surface area (incorrect application) and that is the end result.

    BTW, I was wondering what you think of Beyonce's 'taco-boob'. I call it that 'cuz it looks like it folded in half. What the hell could've caused that?! Here's two links to pictures:

  8. I've seen the Beyonce breast photos, and it is difficult to tell what is going on. Could be a lot of things, from implant problems to breast asymmetry (see Adrianne Curry) to bra padding issues.

  9. Of course it's a wig! BTW, I just found a neat Beyonce site with all her story detailed. Lots of interesting and unrevealed things in there.

  10. Anonymous1:17 AM

    I think Valerie Ramsey has, at the very least, had botox. She's got that weird botox-brow thing going on when she smiles. It's like the eyes get WAY too "expressive" to compensate for the fact that the face CAN'T be. It looks like she's staring a hole into the camera. Like she's trying to show happiness in her eyes, but can't because her brows won't allow it. She's aware of this, so she overcompensates with the "look" in her eyes. I've seen this in a lot of people. It's a very strange and modern thing. You would NEVER see this kind of expression in the pre-botox days.

  11. Anonymous9:04 AM

    If you wear an lace wig every day and some one is taking a picture of you every day you are bound to get caught out there. Although I can say I have never been caught out there with my lace wig. If you plan on getting a lace wig don't get one from ebay I had nightmares dealing with them. I now deal with they have excelent service.

  12. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I think she needs her bad attitude removed, esp. the way she's reacted to Jennifer Hudson getting more attention and an award. She's been cottled long enough, and frankly, after hearing her just warble and not carry tunes (esp. during the academy awards)--she just has no room to be pissed because her competition didn't get the shaft. The limelight definitely hasn't been good for her attitude.

  13. Anon- I'd disagree with you completely. Her performances at the Academy Awards were impressive, and she appears to have a friendly persona. She is extremely talented as well.

  14. Anonymous12:28 AM

    These people are not perfect and for us or this industry to want them to be is stupid. We have little girls and boys wanting to look like these people when in reality Beyonce is hot with makeup but without it she looks like the average pretty girl we see everyday. I feel sorry for these people because they have to be perfect. As smart and as talented as some surgeons are they could never make these people look or feel the want the want because sergeons are human.

  15. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Beyonce wears wigs and there is nothing wrong with that. I saw a bunch of her wigs at this lace front wigs web site My Hair 24-7. They also have shows that gossip about her hair and other things she's doing. Beyonce probably has a lot of haur under those lace wigs, so don't hate on her. She's still gorgeous, wig or not.

  16. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I've seen that happen to actresses in movies, too. Beyonce wears extensions and wigs, but she also wears her real hair also. Her real hair is beautiful I saw her getting it braided to get extensions on the behind scenes footage of Video Phone, which is on YouTube. She also showed her real hair on her Thanksgiving Special when she has a ponytail. Oh, and this is a good photo of Beyonce's real hair. On the cover of Vogue, that was also Beyonce's real hair. Yes, Beyonce was nothing but nice to Jennifer Hudson during Dreamgirls. I remember reading a magazine saying that Beyonce really helped Jennifer during the making of Dreamgirls. Jennifer Hudson said on Oprah that she has a pic of Beyonce in her house. She always talks about what a nice person Beyonce is. Beyonce is extremely talented.
