Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kate Hudson Had A Breast Augmentation?

There are reports that Kate Hudson has had a conservative breast augmentation. Recent photos show her with larger breasts (likely going from a AA to a nice B). This is in contrast to her previous comments at the 2002 Golden Globes: "I have small breasts, obviously... It's nice to be able to wear a plunging neckline and have it be elegant."

It looks like her surgon did a nice job. The surgery was probably performed at least a month ago since she doesn't appear to have much swelling. This is in stark contrast to Heidi Montag who looks like she could float all the way to Sri Lanka.

I wish she would.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. I can't think of anyone (except maybe Goldie Hawn?) who needed it more. Glad she kept the additions small.

  2. I'm not sure whether or not Kate had anything done, but if she did, I totally agree that her surgeon did a nice job. It's a little confusing because some of her other recent pics (like the one's from the AMA's) look like she still totally natural. Makes me wonder if she was just using some nice little gel pads to give herself a temporary "B cup" for the day :)

    Either way, I think she looks great. If she did get them done, they fit her perfectly, and if not, she doesn't need them. She's totally right about looking elegant with plunging necklines,

  3. Great blog Dr. Youn! I'm really enjoying it.

  4. Lolol! "Float all the way to Sri Lanka..."

    Kate definitely looks way bigger and not in the way that putting on a few pounds might make her look bigger. Good for her. She looks fabulous.

  5. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Re your (most appropriate!) Heidi Montag comments, thanks for the chuckle! Indeed, those flotation devices she had implanted in her chest are likely sufficient to enable her idiot husband to use her as a raft and paddle to Sri Lanka on top of her--a perfect use for a woman who now resembles nothing so much as a blow-up sex doll. Those two couldn't be more pathetic if they actually worked at it.

  6. I honestly think she just gained some weight (look at her stomach in both pictures.) I'm not saying it's unheard of for Hollywood actresses to get plastic surgery, I just don't think this is an example.

  7. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I love women who understand that not every body type can handle C or bigger. Also, she's keeping her fashion options open by sticking with a small implant. Good for her (and her doc).

  8. Kate obviously understands that bigger is not necessarily better. Her implants fit her body perfectly, and they do not detract from her lovely neck, arms, tummy, and legs. Her figure is complimented nicely, and the result is harmonious. A big congatulations to her surgeon!

  9. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Maybe she's pregnant?

  10. finlay 13:50 PM

    Note to Alyson - no one NEEDS plastic surgery! Can't believe a woman would make such a comment - hope you don't have any daughters!

  11. I've run into Goldie Hawn at the grocery store, and that woman is without flaw. She's small on top, but it doesn't seem to have hurt her career or her love life any.

    (and she held the door for a little old lady, too. She is Without Flaw)

  12. Anonymous5:51 AM

    i wish heidi montag would sail away as well. there are better villains in this world.

  13. Anonymous8:45 PM

    How is it possible to have a boob job and still have no boobs? FAIL!
