Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sharon Osbourne's Breast Implants Destined To Be Ozzy's Paperweights??

In a recent interview on the Today show, Sharon Osbourne stated that she plans to have her breast implants removed this summer and then plans to give them to her husband Ozzy to use as paperweights! According to nydailynews.com:

"They're better on his desk than on my chest," she said. "They're awful!"

Even for a plastic surgeon who does this surgery nearly every day, I find that pretty gross. I once removed breast implants from a patient who asked me if she could take the explanted implants home with her. When I asked her why, she replied that she planned to mail them to her ex-husband!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Sharon Osbourne is atypical. 99% of my breast augmentation patients love their results. When I do explant prostheses, it's almost always to increase the size or to address some minor imperfection. Frankly, it's really unusual for a woman to wish them off her chest for good. Sharon Osbourne will probably change her tune.

  2. Ugh! and double Ugh! Both women's actions seem overkill. Just get them out and get on with it! I love Sharon and I am sure she was jesting, but you never know...

  3. In the 1980s, I worked for Rhone-Poulenc chemical company and I kept one of their products, a breast implant, on my office desk. It was fascinating (and hilarious) to see both men and women stroke the implant completely unaware of what the object was. It simply felt so marvelous to touch. I kept the penile implant in a drawer; it wasn't equally attractive.

  4. Marly, you are tooo funny! Dr. Pickart, your reputation precedes you. If I ever decide on implants, I'll make the not-too-long trip to Ca.

  5. And lovely Rosina, when I finally decide to do some nips and tucks, Dr. Pickart is going to be my surgeon. Dr. Youn is too far away; Dr. Pickart is almost in my neighborhood.

  6. I wonder if there's a market to recycle them into squooshy snowglobes? There's my Greenpeace employee past speaking...
