Now that the election is over, I think it is important to reveal that I singlehandedly saved the new President-elect Barack Obama's candidacy. Click the photo of the article from the National Enquirer to see how I did this. Before you dismiss this as fluff, remember that the National Enquirer is the magazine that exposed John Edwards' affair, devastating his political career.
Had I not revealed the Obama Sex Tape as a hoax, using my extensive knowledge of human facial anatomy, we might have a President-elect McCain today. A type of scandal like the one I averted for him would likely have been more devastating than Watergate and Monicagate combined!
So for all you Obama supporters out there, you're welcome.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Bravo, Dr. Youn. I thought that you were kidding before I read the article. Although I didn't want either candidate, I hope that the best man won.
now that obama has won the election i believe you can now say that you saved the u.s. and helped to restore faith in ourselves and the worlds faith in us. bravo dr youn. maybe there is a cabinet job for you.
I heard through the grapevine that the Secretary for Health and Human Services is a toss-up between Howard Dean and myself...
or what about PLASTIC surgeon general???
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Wonderful article! I stumbled it. You wouldn't think a plastic surgeon could shape history. Good job!
Injury Lawyers Utah
In your world it is quite fashionable and impportant to your career to love obama, so i understand your need to be loved. and your need to moderate the coments.. just like obama..
Must keep your self image looking good now, so I am sure this will never appear...
that said, I am not sure you SAVED the USA, I guess you are into a moral compass also, like Ms Moore, it affects all the self-righteous..
We will see if you helped us or if you hurt us...kinda like surgery it can look great or horrible, even with the best of docs..
I never wrote that I SAVED the USA. It was a lighthearted post on saving Obama's campaign. Obviously I did not actually save his campaign, otherwise I would expect a nice, handwritten letter from the guy! I also try to keep my political views outside of this blog, unlike many other 'doctor' blogs. Maybe you should take a nice long walk in the sunshine. It may make you feel better.
Because you spoke up, so many are smiling (with and without "smile lines").
I had no idea!
It's now officially your fault we're stuck with Barack.
With respect to "Anonymous" above, I agree that in Hollywood/WLA/WeHo and the film industry/legal industry places a lot of pressure to bear upon actors/employees to support Democratic Party candidates or risk a quick end to their career; thus there are those in these industries who either keep silent or pretend to be supportive of Obama/Whomever during campaigns for various offices.
That said, it would be wise to consider that Oprah's TV audience reportedly has shrunk by at least 15% and her magazine sales have reportedly dropped 20% since she came out in support of Obama. It is expected that "O" Magazine may fold in 2009 due to a drop in readership that can be directly traced to her open support of one candidate and her refusal to interview Palin, the 1st female VP candidate since Geraldine Ferraro.
Another thing: it would also be wise to consider that Sandra Bernhardt, who laughingly threatened the gang-rape of VP candidate Palin, was also an outspoken supporter of Obama who neglected (not sure why) to condemn her public statements to that effect.
As a survivor of a rape attempt, I cannot think of why *anyone* would say what Bernhardt said publicly, nor condemn what she said as Obama should have.
You may wish to keep in mind that the age demographic that uses your services tends to be in the age group that strongly supported HRC for US President. The fact that she won more primary votes than either candidate of any political party in US history and yet was denied Party nomination speaks volumes about the nomination process and Obama in particular.
And from all of us Non-Obama supports.....stick to your profession!!!!!!!
Too bad you butted in. Now our country is headed toward Socialism. Hope you like his regulation of your salary where you wont be paid the big bucks any more. You sure screwed yourself sucking up to Obama.
I think you got paid off by Obama!
(only joking)
OMG, this is a plastic surgery blog about celebrities, why are the Obama-haters needing to rant? Dr Youn is being light-hearted about a rumor. Thanks, Dr Youn, I enjoy your website for entertainment purposes and cosmetic surgery updates. Not my political information. I never post comments (and try to avoid reading them), but had to this time. As a fellow Michigander (the state, don't know about the school): Go Blue! and Izzo should say yes ;).
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