The Premiere Site For Celebrity Plastic Surgery By A Real Plastic Surgeon
I'm a Michigan-based Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who has been featured on Dr. 90210. The info here is my opinion alone and should not be taken as fact or as medical advice. I've not treated any of the celebrities presented here.
Nicole Kidman has created quite a stir about the plastic surgery she appears to exhibit at her recent CMAs appearance. No, it's not a Botox brow or a trout pout. Nicole's
breast implants, meet the public. Public, meet Nicole's
breast implants. In my opinion, it appears that she has had a recent
breast augmentation. Her breasts are overly round, have a space between them, and appear too high. This can be the look of newly postoperative breast implants. At least their size is tasteful. I would have recommended that she keep these puppies under wraps for a few more weeks to allow the swelling to go down.
I think she's a great actress,
plastic surgery or not.
Huffington PostThanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Yikes, I really don't like those on her. She should've stuck with her natural flatness as she's so thin..
The dress is so pretty. Her breasts make her dress less pretty because you are busy staring at her chest. I feel she is getting a lot of plastic surgery lately and doesn't need it. Yes, she is a great actress.
Dr. Youn, I agree. It looks like she has subpectoral implants, probably moderate or high profile. They are tastefully done, but they do look a bit "fresh."
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