The new issue of In Touch Weekly magazine claims that Ashlee Simpson has been getting Botox injections from a Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon. Twenty-three years old is a bit young for Botox, although I do occasionally perform it on people in their twenties. My average Botox patient is in their thirties to fifties, with visible frown lines and crow's feet not usually present in a twenty-something.
Botox is now the number one cosmetic treatment today, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Last year over 4.1 million Botox procedures were performed, with the next most common treatment being chemical peel at 1.1 million. Whether Ashlee is having Botox or not, she does look good as long as she is conservative with the Restylane lip injections.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
I find that botox gives me relief not only from my mid-life "scowl" between the eyes, but also gives a certain psychological boost too! Instant relaxation! Am I nuts? But I swear by it. I get botox twice a year and it is money well spent.
I really wanted to have a nosejob and a lip reduction. I just wondered if it MAY end up worse.hmm. Coz Ive seend some nosejobs which are very obvious and seemed out of symmetry. Truly getting surgeries is something one should think about for a long time. Ashlee's rhinoplsty did end up looking nice on her. hmm Gisele had a nosejob, eveyrone knows. jaja, i wonder why she said that, such a liar...do some male models you know underwent some surgeries too? thanks pls reply, u can reply at my blog--pinoymodels blog.
Um...Megan Fox is just 23 and she already had botox at just 21. So has Heidi Montag and im sure others. Why is it that no one ever takes note of all the surgery Megans had or studies the changes in her face. i dont understand it. WAKE UP people!
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