While switching channels past Dancing with the Stars, I couldn't help but notice Wayne Newton's odd, odd appearance. What is going on here?
It appears to me that his eyebrows are elevated and don't move. At all. This is a possible consequence of Botox, which if overly injected can create a "frozen forehead.' However, while it does smooth the forehead wrinkles, it doesn't create elevated eyebrows like his. That is a possible consequence of a browlift. He also has very little excess skin of his upper eyelids, a possible result of an upper blepharoplasty. His jawline is also extremely sharp for a 65 year old man. This could be due to a facelift. There are some other things that may be going on here, but I think these are the most obvious. As a plastic surgeon I would recommend that he let the Botox wear off a bit, avoid the sun and tanning, and focus on his great voice, not his dance moves.
To view a segment I did on Fox News regarding Awful celeb plastic surgery, click here.
Photo credit: prphotos.com
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic SurgeonAnthony Youn, M.D.:
You even NEED a question mark? Wayne Newton has looked like that for the past twenty years, although before Botox I think he achieved it by tying his ears together at the back of his head. I think he just explains it by saying he has American Indian blood and good genes.
His eyes look like two little raisins. When I was a little kid and I heard him sing on the Lucy show, I couldn't figure out if he was a boy or a girl.
botox can elevate the eyebrows if it is administered to the lateral orbicularis or to the medial brow depressors.
He looks like a cartoon character!
Technically I place the question mark since he hasn't publicly admitted to plastic surgery to my knowledge.
The elevation I've seen with Botox to the lateral orbic or medial brow depressors is nowhere near what Wayne Newton has.
Thanks for the clarity: as always, you're more generous than I would be.
All that said, I do adore his version of "Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes".
Dr. Youn... do you think perhaps he also got cheek implants? I have looked at old pictures of him from 10-15 years back, and even then his cheek bones were not that prominent. He has kind of a plastic chipmunk shape to his face.
Assuming he has had plastic surgery, is there anything Wayne Newton can do to get a natural look back?
^ Well Wayne, it's a bit too late to ask for advice now...
Ironically, he looks older and facially quircky. It's a shame. I would be embarassed if I looked like him. He would be better off going on a diet and losing some of that weight. I guess there are some cases where you just can't fix ugly.
I think he got "cheek silicone implants".
Pretty soon, with age, the little nipples also will show on them.
Does anyone know the name of Wayne Newton's plastic surgeon?
I am very saddened by the fact that Wayne had any of this done. I have been going to see Wayne's shows for years and I know that he never, ever looked platic or like this until the last 6 years or so. I feel really bad that whomever did this to him ruined his looks. He was an absolute Handsome man, and is still one of the kindest gentleman you will ever meet.
He is an American Icon, and has given alot of his time for all of his many fans. I sure hope this Dr. is right and thinks that the botox injections might loosen up some.
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