US Magazine.com has recent photos of what appears to be Heidi Montag's recent breast augmentation and rhinoplasty. While I think she looks good both before AND after, their poll is overwhelmingly in favor of her "before" look. As long as she is happy that is all that really matters...
UPDATE!!: Heidi has admitted to People magazine she has undergone 10 procedures in one day. Click here for my take on each of her surgeries.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Her nose is creeping into Michael Jackson territory. She looked better before, IMO
Breasts way too big, nose way too narrow ,and teeth way too white. What more is there to say except she needs a new publicist who is honest with her.
Agreed, her nose was better before the procedure. It is too thin and not proportionate to the rest of her face.
The new breasts look fine and from the photo it looks like the surgery went well. They aren't "stripper-big" as some patients describe the extra large breasts.
her nose was a bit odd before. That lift was done very well. She actually looks much better now.
Agreed, her nose was better before the procedure. It is too thin and not proportionate to the rest of her face.
Her rhinoplasty is OK but looks like someone with a rhinoplasty rather then a real nose. I'd predict she's going to have real problems with her implants over the next few years. She has thin coverage and her medial and lateral breast borders have been signifigantly disrupted by oversized (for her) implants. This is likely to ensure very transient results.
Her nose before was much, much better. The new one almost looks like it was the best they could do after reconstructive surgery. Yuck.
awww noo HEIDI! what did you do to yourself! the breast implants are fine but likeeee there was never anything wrong with your nose!
Too bad the nose is the one that you can't reverse!
She is still looking hot!
I think the breast implants look great! Quite a change for the better.
Her nose looked way better before. Now her nose looks like the average plastic nose in LA. Her breast do look better now, but their was nothing wrong with them in the first place!!
Sorry but she was ordinary before and now she is FABULOUS. Wow I did not know a doc could make such a change. Now she has classy, fine bone structure. Before she was plain. I never noticed her until after her surgery. I usually do NOT like the results of nose jobs, like Ashley Simpson and Jessica Biel looked better before. But kudos to the doc who worked on Heidi she is in another league now!
Okay, first, if I were polled about Heidi Montag, I'd be like, "who?" I still can't say I know who she even is. As someone who works with a plastic surgeon who performs San Francisco rhinoplasty (I'm not a surgeon), I'll just say that I think she looks great in both sets of pictures... notice the smile on her face. So, I agree, what matters isn't our opinion, but hers. Is she was happy before and is happier after, great! If she was unhappy before and happy now, even better. I'm happy for you Heidi... whoever you are.
I like her nose... no need for the boobs
When I watched the first couple of episodes of The Hills this season I did think that Heidi was more attractive than I remembered her. I hadn't heard about any of the surgery so I wasn't sure what had changed. I do wish that these LA girls would just leave their bodies alone. Why can't they learn how to be happy with who they are? On another note, Spencer needs to go. His last surname suites him perfectly, he is a pratt.
LMAO...ok tonight i watched the hills episode...she looks like michael jackson...seriously..her nose now sticks up ..you can notice it from the side..and wow...her teeth are so wide...her veneers are enormous!!!!! i honestly think she looked so much better before her surgery...and im not just saying that i think ashlee simpson after her nose job looks AMAZING...and the boobs..i dont really care they look ok..
I agree the nose was better before. She is thin with a boyish figure and no hips, so the breasts are too big. Either way she is merely average looking and nowhere near beautiful. Not the kind of gal I'd ask out.
I just saw her on Jimmy Kimmel Live. I've never seen her before and didn't know who she was but noticed the rhinoplasty immediately. It doesn't go with her face at all. The nostrils are too narrow and look pinched and the nose is too small for her face. The breast implants are obvious and too large for her frame. I agree that her veneers are too large and whoever is responsible for her current monochromatic, scary yellow blonde haircolor should be spanked. Her highlights looked natural and healthy before.
I think her new nose makes her face look wider...it's unattractive!
she was soo pretty before.
have you seen The Hills season 4? i mean, she looks so unnatural it's creepy..
I agree she was so cute before.
I don't like her hair, boobs or nose now!
she was much prettier before...
She looked like an individual before, now she looks like every other hollywood drone
I think she is wasting her money.. she was pretty and annoying before.. but not she looks like an alien and is still annoying. She has nothing good left.
Maybe if she wasn't such a selfcentered brat she would have put the money she spent on all of her pointless plastic surgery to better use. If I'm not mistaken a lot of people in Haiti could use some help right now. It makes me sick to think that there are people like her in this world. Why can't you be happy with the way God made you?
her nose is better but avatar nose is better on her still needs another chin surgery. breast looks like aliens; avatar people looked better than her;that's an idea do your nose like them and would you stress 2 feet more and blue skin, that is a thought. the problem with women that do too much is alien looking. In brazil plastic surgery is so natural I think is the doctors that have no skills; lol
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